Putting A Dirty Dog Down

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"I leave it all to you Jinto, liberate our families and the world from Casia...." a departing voice pleaded with a spiritual echo.

"Ngh, what... was that?" Jinto groaned as he awoke from a midday nap. "I could've sworn someone was calling out to me? And his voice, I know I've heard it but from where? 'Liberate our families and the world from Casia.'?" he suddenly gave pause, contemplating his bizarre experience. Immediately he shot up out of his bed and stared at his fist "No... whoever that was I'm sorry... but I fight for my own kind now.." the lone lad lamented, as he bitterly recalled Juri's betrayal. A wretched recompense as a reward for all he had sacrificed and endured for her. He slowly sat back down on his bed like a falling leaf. The bright sun rays peered into the window lighting up his room with a cacophony of warm orange and yellow hues.

Basking in the sun's embrace, the Melanin man looked out the window with a decisive smirk. "Yes, together we're going to change Melanina. But the rest of the world, has nothing to do with us. Isn't that right, Jaleel?" he said to himself.

Meanwhile 'knock knock knock!' A man knocked aggressively at Juri's door. "The king has moved your meeting with him back. You are to see him in four to five hours at the royal infirmary." an envious, bitter voice hissed.

"That voice, is it really him?" Juri muttered to herself. She cautiously walked towards the door, slowly turning the door nob as she tried to peer through the crack but 'BAM!' The man suddenly kicked the door wide open, drawing blood from Juri's forehead. "OW! What the hell!?" the wounded woman exclaimed as she gripped her forehead, trying to stop the bleeding.

"This one has always hated us Juri, he pines for the throne like an unfaithful dog waiting for the opportunity to maul their gracious owner to fill it's disgusting belly!" Bulqise hissed with venom.

Juri slowly looked up at her most unwelcome guest. There he stood, with his chest puffed out and the grin of a jackal. His upper body was bare except for a magenta cloak flowing proudly from his neck, partially covering his upper body. Completing his outfit were tight, black trousers and knee high black boots. He was indeed tall, even taller than Jinto, around 6ft 5 or more. His build was slim yet ripped, like an athlete. Then their eyes met... his pompous face nauseated Juri. His whole expression was dripped in jealousy, his blue eyes possessed erratic violence and his arrogant grin harboured bitter hatred.

He slowly sauntered towards the princess, clapping his hands sarcastically, saying "Well, well, well, you've done well to come back to the kingdom in one piece...". As he peered over her like a tower, he moved his face close to Juri's "I was under the impression they were going to kill you.." the man growled with irritation. His voice was bipolar, at one moment charismatic and charming, then in an instant it becomes vicious and savage.

Feeling uncomfortable with how close he got, she pushed his unbearable face away from hers and stood up.

"Ohhh hoho! Since when did the little princess become so FIESTY!" he said, licking his lips.

"Zane, why are you here!? I don't want any trouble so just leave me alone!" Juri demanded anxiously, as she backed away until her back was pressed against the wall.

"Aww, is that anyway to treat your cousin? You know the rest of us got imprisoned for allegedly plotting treason against king Sol, can you believe it!? Haha, crazy times we're living in. To think your other cousins would betray the king, but not I! Hence why I walk free..." Zane explained and indeed it was a suspicious allegory.

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