Disturbing revelations

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Jinto created a flame clone to carry Iliyana while carrying Juri himself in his arms as they headed back home from the ordeal. As the sun lit up his melanin rich skin she looked up at his face. She could never figure out what exactly he was thinking from his expressions but he always looked to her like he was deep in thought. As if he was playing memories over and over in his head.

Jinto noticed her looking up and him and warmly grinned at her and she smiled back. "And just like that, poof! That deep vague look on his face vanishes and now he looks like a puppy." She thought to herself. "Nevertheless I'm in awe of a man like him.... A man so powerful so strong, yet so compassionate and caring, only using his strength for good. Despite there being not many who could stop him here if he wished otherwise. He's nothing like my father or any of the men I've seen so far... To think he could've easily caught me back when we first met hahaha yet he chose to rescue me in the end twice now even. But against his enemies he's like another person, so fierce so... violent, how can two opposites like this exist in one person?" Juri thought to herself as she became more and more intrigued, no, obsessed with her saviour.

Jinto's fire clone had dropped Iliyana back to her parents and Jinto and Juri were back at her makeshift home. It was late in the evening now the the two were exhausted. Jinto placed Juri into the bed and walked off. "W-wait, could you stay with me tonight? So I feel safe." Juri shyly asked. Jinto didn't reply but came back smiling as he placed a chair next to her bed. "Don't worry I'll sit right here all night!" Jinto said as he sat down and ran his hand through her hair. "Woooow... his skin shone in the sun and now it's almost glowing in the moon light" Juri thought to herself. As a ray of moonlight adorned Jinto's face and made his eyes shimmer like stars.

Similarly Jinto was in awe of Juri's beauty under the moonlight, if other women used lipstick and items for makeup then, Juri's makeup was light itself. Jinto slowly moved his warm hand down to the side of her face as he slowly leaned closer to her face. Juri then put one hand on top of his and with her other, she put it around the nape of his neck and gently pulled him in closer.

Her seductive scent beckoned him forth as Jinto stared at her soft lips then gazed into her eyes as finally, his lips made contact with hers. A wondrous sensation travelled through them both as they kissed passionately. Before, they had always teased and chased each other like night and day, secretly yearning for one another, but tonight was their twilight where night and day finally united for their long awaited kiss.

"Now go to sleep aha." He said as he pulled back and stroked her hair one last time. And Juri nodded happily and closed her eyes while Jinto sat in the chair watching over her until they both had drifted off.

"Where are we?" Juri's voice echoed as she looked around. She was being twirled around by Jinto in a dark field dimly lit by fireflies on a clear night. "I don't know but haven't you always wanted to dance with me in the field at night? You said it would be soooo romantic hahaha." The young romantic said as they danced the night away. Juri was dreaming.... But her ephemeral fantasy was short lived as Jinto began to become intangible, his hands phased through hers. "J-JINTO!?" Juri shouted but he didn't reply as he began to ascend into the darkness of the night sky until he couldn't be seen.

(Zzzzzzz zzzzzz crackle Zzzzzz) a crackling static like noise filled the sky. "H..... he's- .... Yer.... World..... he's" What? Who's there? What's going on!?" The startled princess exclaimed! "My beloved daughter, that man.... Jinto, he is a devil! HE IS THE WORLD DESTROYER!" "That voice......" Juri said in a soft bewildered voice. "MOTHER!?!?" She screamed! "Yes my daughter it is your mother your one true friend and ally in this world, I stood by you in life and even in death I've come to protect and guide you." She said as she took form and descended down to her daughter, taking her hands in hers. Juri was speechless... with tears in her eyes she just stared at her mother, overtaken by emotions as a wave of past memories washed over her. She began to shake. "Shhhhhh there there my baby, it is really I, your mother Bulqise." Bulqise said as she wrapped her arms around Juri like a cloak.

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