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Juri couldn't believe what she was seeing! "How did he do that!?" She thought. Then she remembered that he can make fire clones. "He must've created one to replace where he was while he burnt a hole in the ground!" She quietly said to Iliyana. Who merely gripped her sister's arm tighter and smiled. "That's big bro for you." She said.

"Told you... I'd save you for last..." Jinto said in a deep quiet voice which rumbled throughout the area like the tremors before an earthquake. Similarly the very battle about to take place would shake the forest like one. Visible fear appeared on the leader's face. He took a step back as Jinto walked calmly forwards. Then his ego went into overdrive!

"I am the predator here! You don't hunt me I hunt you! I do as I please! I am the strongest. I'll show you why I'm their leader I'll show you... WHY THEY CALL ME RAVAGE!" Ravage screamed as his face violently morphed. His canines grew and pitch black fur covered his now huge, hulking body with red lines going down. He had morphed into a huge gorilla like beast! But Jinto did not flinch nor falter, a small grin appeared on his face as he got into his fighting stance.

"DIEEEEEEEE!!!" Ravaged screamed in a grotesque beastly voice as he charged savagely towards his foe! He swung and pounded away but Jinto easily avoided these attacks. Ravage then threw a back fist which Jinto ducked and discretely picked up some of the sand on the ground. The hulking beast let loose a massive hammer fist but his adversary swiftly jumped back! And smirked as he threw the sand into Ravage's eyes.

"Argh! You little... I swear I'm going to get you. You're mine to hunt now, I'll feast on your very bones Jinto!" Ravage's animalistic rage was taking over. Jinto's face grew serious as he dashed forwards and unleashed a ferocious beating upon Ravage. He wasn't even using his fire abilities, he wanted to humble and shame Ravage. He then let loose a crushing left hook which snapped off one of Ravage's canines! Suddenly the battered beast morphed into a small lizard to avoid the follow up blow and scurried away into some bushes. He licked his eyes clean as he hid.. plotting a surprise attack.

The two girls stared, aghast at the spectacle before their eyes. Their hero stood there with his eyes closed completely calm. Some rustling could be heard as suddenly, in an instant Ravage re-emerged in is gorilla form, letting down a great double handed hammer fist from behind. However Jinto, I'm even quicker than Ravage, turned around in time and blocked the attack with his left forearm raised above his head.

The cataclysmic collision sent shock waves which blew the trees backwards and the girls had to shield themselves. However! The enemy was no pushover as Ravage started pressing down even harder! Cracks started to form on the ground around Jinto's feet as he was being slowly forced into the ground! Ravage began to gain his confidence back and he began to smile arrogantly as he pounded down in a classic gorilla like fashion. Jinto's feet were now forced even deeper into the ground! Ravage stopped to look at Jinto's face, he expected to see fear, worry, anguish. Rather he was met with a nonchalant, confident stare back at him.

This drove Ravage insane! He hated how Jinto was acting so superior to him! How his face didn't even change, how he never seemed like he was trying or worried, a complex was forming. "That damn stupid face of yours! Why is it so calm! You think you're better than me!? You think.." but Jinto interrupted.

"Just so you know, I didn't need sand to beat you and I don't need my flames either." Jinto said as he grinned at the huge gorilla pressing down on him. In an instant Jinto grabbed Ravage by the arm, pulled him towards himself and threw a massive punch that hit like a cannonball! Ravage flew past the girls and into a tree! And groaned in a dazed groggy manner. "With someone like him with me then maybe...." Juri was thinking to herself and began to smile however...

That smile soon dropped as Jinto slowly, menacingly walked over to Ravage who was on the floor. He placed his foot upon Ravage's face, pressing down harder and harder until his head was slowly being pressed into the ground! "Arghhhhhhh st-stop!" Ravage pleaded! "Hmmm? Wasn't you bragging about what you did to Juri's face earlier?" Jinto replied as he knelt forward and his foot began to slowly heat up.

"UWAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!" Ravage screamed in agony as his face was being slowly burnt! The emissary of vengeance smiled as his foot became hotter and hotter, deriving pleasure from seeing the foul beast get what he deserves. "Hmmmm? Do you want me to stop? It's hard to understand what you're saying with all that screaming." Jinto mocked as he smiled at his fallen foe now at his mercy.

Whom had now reverted back to his human form and lost consciousness. "JINTOOOO THAT'S ENOUGH!!! STOP THIS!!!" Juri screamed as she ran over to him, hugging him from behind. She squeezed him tightly with warm tears streaming down her face. "That's enough... Jinto, you did it, you saved us... we're safe..." she said softly. Immediately he snapped out of it and removed his foot from Ravage's face.

He merely stood there in shock at what came over him. "What have I done?" He thought to himself as his vengeful high wore off. Jinto's body relaxed as he gave into Juri's hug. "I wonder where all of that came from, it was beyond that whole calm yet tough dynamic, that was.... Savage. And yet my Jinto is not a savage man. Maybe he's like me, maybe he carries a painful past that he covers up with something. Perhaps for him that thing is strength." Juri thought to herself but she decided not to ask about it as of yet.

Jinto sighed as he was relieved he didn't kill Ravage who was still breathing. "Big brother!!! You saved us thank you thank you soooo much! You're the best no one can stand up to big bro!" Iliyana shouted as she ran over to him and jumped up into his arms. "They tried to hurt us and they got what they deserved otherwise my big bro wouldn't harm even a fly." Iliyana said as she noticed the concerned expression in his eyes. She placed her tiny hands on his face and looked him in the eyes, then kissed him on the forehead, saying "I love you." "I love you too haha." Jinto replied in a shy manner. And just like that the man Juri knew was back.

Iliyana noticed Juri had a jealous expression on her face and smirked. "Hey big sis.... You look a little jealous." She said playfully while sticking her tongue out at Her. Juri blushed "Wh- uh... I... I'm not jealous! Why would I be!" She replied. "Oh she's totally jealous sis, this one time I put my face close to hers and she tried to kiss me! Hahahaha hahahahaha!" Jinto said laughing heartily!

(THWACK!) "OWWWW what was that for!" He complained as his Casian companion had served him up one of her signature slaps to the face and Iliyana laughed her head off! "Hurts doesn't it!" Juri said with a cocky victorious smile. "Maybe if you slapped those guys like that you wouldn't have needed my help!" Jinto said while making a funny face at her. "(Huff!) Why you!?" The enraged princess went to slap him again but he caught her hand and then slowly interlocked his fingers with hers. It was as if time stood still as their eyes met like long lost lovers finally reuniting as they shared a silently passionate moment together. In that moment they were the only two people who existed.

Iliyana slid out of Jinto's arm as she didn't want to interrupt and silently watched with stars in her eyes. Juri and Jinto then linked together their other hand and he pulled her slightly closer. "So how long do you plan on holding my hands?" Jinto asked smiling. "Sorry who held who's hand first?" She replied. Juri expected a sarcastic reply back but instead... "Maybe I've wanted to hold your hands for a long time." He said confidently as he gazed directly into her eyes and she started to turn red. She was caught off guard and didn't know what to say, she just stared at him like a love struck school girl. For indeed just as new life takes form after a fierce forest fire, a new love was budding after the ashes of a savage battle.

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