Chair smack

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You stand next to your girlfriend Desire as the two of you are in the ring for a promo and to accept a challenge of a tag team match with the two of you going against Trinity and Gail Kim suddenly noticing movement from the other side of the ring as you turn around. The next thing you knew was that you were on the ground in a lot of pain and yelling was the only thing you could hear in the ring other than angry fans who were yelling looking to see desire on top of trinity and Sharmell throwing gail out of the ring while Samoa Joe was going to town on Kurt Angle who had been causing problems for many fellow stars especially you and desire leaving the two of you always alert and extra awareness during matches, promos, and just walking backstage along while the other was in the ring jumping when you feel a hand grab and slowly drag you under the ropes looking to see AJ who helps you backstage to be checked out by medical who determined that you had a minor concussion and a busted nose that was pouring blood despite not being broken immediately hugging desire when she walks in your shared locker room with aj who runs out to the ring to help joe in an impromptu tag team match against angle and Jeff Jarrett who had snuck in the ring and hit you in the face with a chair starting off the fight that happened in the ring that was still happening in the ring ending a few minutes later with joe and aj winning the match against the two men who attacked you. After thanking your two friends who helped you and desire, the two of you head home where she re bandages your nose before you fell asleep after a warm shower and a plate of homemade roast waking up an hour later to feel desire's hand lightly rub along your waist and pressing a kiss to your temple as you slowly fall back asleep cuddled into her.

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