You mean it?

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You burst into laughter leaning into your friend Joe hanging out with all your friends at his home since all of you had the next few weeks off due to Veterans day and quite a hectic schedule for all of you. A hand wraps around your shoulder turning to see AJ who was one of your closest friends ever since joining TNA, he looks at you with a smile and smirk on his face making you raise a brow before pointing ahead following his finger to see joe quickly turn away "He's liked you for so long but he won't admit it" you shake your head with a smile of doubt but before you can respond Gail comes up to you "He's serious hon he's told us but he thinks you don't feel the same when me and aj know you do" you look at them with doubt as you look up to see Sting and Christian before walking away and grabbing cold soda enjoying the cool breeze when you hear footsteps hit the gravel saying goodbye as everyone slowly leaves until it was just you and joe talking in his living room. The two of you had been friends for three years now meeting in 2002 through aj at the beach as the three of you slowly started going pro in wrestling, "I feel so much for you that I was afraid of losing you" he looks at you a bit caught off guard before a smile forms on his face feeling your heart quiver when he slowly walks towards you stopping just an inch away from you "You mean It? Please don't be playing me" you reach your hand out as your foreheads press lightly together laying your hand against his shoulder "I would never lie to you not when I love you with all my heart" your arms were wrapped around him and his hands on your waist as you pulled each other into a kiss pouring with emotion and passion being lifted in his arms until the two of you were in his bedroom slowly stripping each other until you laying on the bed feeling your heart skyrocket as he kisses gently down your body "I've loved you since I met you that day on the beach, you've brought such tenderness in my life no one could be special to me in the way you are". The pleasure and emotions of the moment warmed your heart and flooded through you not even realizing tears were flowing down your face until joe was wiping them away with his thumbs while kissing your forehead then your lips chills forming on your body as his hands caressed your body as moans echoed throughout the room intertwine your hands together whispering I love you to each other dozing off as you hold each other bursting into laughter when joe picks you up heating the shower running "Thank you baby" you smile sweetly as he places a kiss on your cheek under the warm water as you wash each other sharing warm laughter before drying off making sure to use the bathroom before laying down wrapped up under the covers in his arms "I love you lo'u tagata" he laughs before sharing a sweet kiss laying your head on his chest "I love you lo'u lalolagi, speaking my language and didn't know you could" more laughs are shared before you're both asleep.

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