Still breathing

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You smile walking in Sting's locker room after he showered from his long match against Kurt Angle "You okay hon?" he smiles placing a kiss on your forehead hugging each other. The two of you have been together for 5 years being married for two of them meeting not too long when you started going pro being drafted to TNA four months later leading to the two of you becoming friends and growing feelings for each other despite the age gap between the two of you with him being 46 and you being 25 but that didn't matter for either of you as the bond grew stronger and the love grew too standing up to people who would harass or cause problems for the two of you for any reason at all, the two of you matched perfectly together mostly due to your opposites but also with some of your similarities "Fine just ready to get home for the night" a quick kiss is shared as you watched the rest of Genesis before heading home raiding the fridge for a late dinner. "You know it's because of you right?" you raise a brow as you walk back in the bedroom from folding the laundry which helped have the exhaustion wash over you "What because of me?" you lay your head on his chest as he caresses your cheek with his fingers "Me staying in TNA and never giving up on my career when I thought I didn't have one anymore" you smile sweetly sharing a kiss before hugging "I love you" you feel a sense of warmth and tenderness within you knowing that you were the reason he kept fighting for himself but also his newfound career and love for professional wrestling and you being in TNA with him plus by his side only fueled him even more with just how strong the love you have for him is "I'm still breathing because of you" your heart swells bigger as you fall asleep hearing those words followed by a soft kiss to your lips before being tucked in his arms

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