Special welcome party

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You sit backstage in your locker room after your match against Gail Kim winning the TNA women's championship waiting for the reveal of the new person joining the roster as you watch the Dudley boys and team canada. Suddenly cheers and yells backstage could be heard as Christian runs down the ramp feeling your heart burst seeing your longtime friend in the ring eyes widening when you see him in a team canada shirt before throwing Jeff Jarrett off the top rope and performing a 3d through a table with D-Von and Bubba Ray Dudley waiting on your locker room until everyone else welcomed and talked to him having an idea leaving a note in his bag along with your spare hotel room key which makes christian smile and his heart race at seeing you again since two years ago when you got injured then joined tna having need a break from WWE and all of the drama and random fights that had broken out before you left, you're brought out of your thoughts by a knock on your door smiling when you open it to see christian closing the door to be pulled in a hug "I've missed you". After sharing a long hug and a few old jokes, you pull out wine and share memories while also telling each other what each of you missed out on in the other's life recently looking at him when he leans towards you caressing your face and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear "Even more beautiful than the day I met you" you close your eyes as he slowly leaned in closer to you until you were in a passionate kiss feeling goosebumps on your body as his hands ran down your body over the white dress you had decided to wear to celebrate with him breathlessly gasping when he slowly stripped you kissing down your body feeling every single though of him go out the window from the pleasure and the fear of rejection slip away as he thrusts in you holding both your hands kissing your shoulder whispering to you "I love you, so much for as long as I've known you" you shiver lightly as he caresses your face helping wash you after drinking water and eating small snacks since it had only been an hour since you ate earlier while waiting for christian to come to the hotel. A calm smell wakes you up the next morning looking to see it was 10:30 slowly waking up to find a vanilla candle lit across the room walking back in to find christian with breakfast smiling as the two of you eat sharing small sips of the wine since the two of you only had two small sips the night before, you crawl in his lap while watching tv placing soft kisses on his collarbone before sharing a sweet kiss as the two of you enjoy the day off together.

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