Picking up the pieces

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Tears pour down your face as you lock your locker room door after slamming it closed crying as you hear yelling then a knock on the door yelling for the person to go away. Finally when the knocking kept going you opened the door ready to lose your control if Christian was on the other side of the door but instead you see your best friend Gail on the other side immediately rushing forward into a tight hug as she holds you seeing christian walk down the hall looking for you when he locks eyes with gail after you sat down on the couch in the room seeing gail walk off to grab you water not knowing that christian was looking for you suddenly hearing yelling running out when you see AJ and Samoa Joe run by the doorway seeing a big mass of people running to see gail on top of christian punching him "Gail hey stop!" you grab her arm which makes her stop as you pull her off "You better be lucky that she's stopping me because if it wasn't for her i wouldn't have stopped even though you deserve an ass whooping" the next few weeks whenever christian saw you he would immediately turn around while gail would lock eyes with him and stare daggers in him even sabotaging a few of his matches just to get back at him for hurting you. Things changed between the two of you over the next two months noticing how your feelings changed from a love of friendship and platonic to a love of desire and intimacy both sexual and domestic which surprised you at how the change happened suddenly within the amount of time of breaking up with christian but you decided to take a bit of courage and tell gail of the change in your feelings even with the change of her not feeling the same towards you but the action she does leaves you over the moon and dazed in a surprised way, she closes the door pulling you in a passionate kiss that was also soft and time consuming a bit wide eyed when the two of you pulled away smiling as you sway in each other's arms taking things slow between the two of you from dates, talking about the change between the two of you, and learning more of same sex relationships since neither of you hadn't been with other women romantically, the two of you planned to tell all your friends together but that changed after being in and winning your first ever elevation x match against Trinity. You smiled bigger seeing her run down the ramp into the ring immediately pulling you in her arms lifting you as you hold your title with one hand and onto her with the other "I'm so proud of you baby! I love you" the crowd goes wild with cheers and chants as the two of you share a kiss in the ring raising your hands in the air before walking out of the ring together hand in hand throwing a middle finger at a stunned christian before running out of the arena together celebrating in many ways that night.

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