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You feel burnt out and alone after losing your tag team match with your girlfriend Mickie who was upset after losing the match not even standing at the curtain as she normally did before you went out for your match. Things in your match against Velvet Sky were closer than you thought they would be and god it was draining the energy out of you as you throw hits and chops back to back as you try to knock her down and get a pin knowing that the match would be over in not too long with how exhausted both of you were but not in the way it ended up ending, you yell as your lifted over sky's shoulders in the air while she stands on the top rope before throwing you down on the announcement table landing halfway on the barricade and the table hearing something snap and hot pain shooting through your body screaming in pain crying as sky dragged you up and threw you in the ring managing to knock her into the post and tripping her to fall getting the pin for a win knowing you were injured from how bad the pain was. Chaos erupted as you were carried backstage by Samoa Joe being checked out by medical before an ambulance was called looking at the ceiling with tears endlessly pouring down your face only to see mickie above you with a scared expression on her face as she holds your hand as you're put on the stretcher and loaded in the ambulance getting x-rays done at the emergency room only to find that not only had you pulled a muscle in your shoulder but that you broke your leg leading to you with a leg cast and undergoing surgery to repair your shoulder over the next six hours waking up to find a teary eyed mickie by your side who immediately hugged you being careful of your arm in a sling "Baby I'm so sorry" you raise a brow coughing as you tried to speak still being a bit loopy from the anesthesia. After taking a few sips of water you clear your throat as she presses small kisses against your head and temple "What are you apologizing for hon?" she holds you in her arms a bit tighter "I was so mad at you and frustrated from the match that I stayed outside and heard yelling when I came back in only to see joe run with you in his arms and you were just terrified" she felt horrible for what she had done and it hurt her even more when she saw you terrified and in pain seeing the replay of what happened to you as she was trying to get in the medical room bursting into tears and running when she heard sky having to be held back by AJ, Sting, and joe just so she didn't let all of her rage out on her for what happened "I thought you were paralyzed until I found out what had happened and I thought of how the last thing I did was leave you alone just to ignore you...I feel like the biggest bitch in the world and I'm sorry sweetie" you reassured her that you weren't mad and forgave her learning a new way on how to handle things when they get to be too much for both of you.

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