Elevation gone wrong

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Your anxiety went through the roof as you climb up on the elevated X above the ring while Desire stands below you before climbing up shaking the platform making your stomach drop. After a few blows and managing to stay on the platform you have a close call trying to dodge a kick to the face making you sway and slip quickly grabbing onto the side of the platform pulling yourself back up, the match grew more chaotic and scary for fans as the two of you almost knocked each other off even being shoved off barely managing to grab on to the side to pull yourself up hearing fans warn you to go inside the platform hiding and catching your breath as desire looks for you grabbing her hair after you climb back up behind her yelling out when she shakes the platform hearing a creak as you spin kick desire suddenly screaming as you fall not being able to grab or hold onto the rest of the platform yelling and crying in pain as you lay on the floor outside of the ring. You suddenly see your partners Joe and AJ as you are loaded on a stretcher and taken to the hospital trembling and crying in pain being checked out not having any serious injuries other than bruises, a pulled muscle in your back, and a concussion being given the clear to head home three hours later wincing as you walk to your shared home with the boys only wanting to shower and be with them after eating tearing up when the bruises are lightly touched and quietly crying when you would bend down or raise up from the pain in your back relaxing when you lay on a heating pad before the boys carefully massaged your back being careful of your bruises putting patches on your body to help with pain giving you Tylenol for your small headache wrapping you in the arms carefully after watching you fall asleep when you were relaxed enough waking up in the morning still tucked in their arms.

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