Chapter 28

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I don't know why I cried as soon as the greeting left his mouth. I guess it was just the pressure of missing him and all and then I see him and he is more perfect than ever. I pushed him back slightly and covered my face with my hands, hicupping.

I had never been more embarassed crying in front of him. I have never felt so pathetic. One thing I have learnt, is that I am a lot less independent than I used to be. I used to be my own person; I did what I want and I liked to have fun, which meant breaking the rules. Then I met Colton, and suddenly he was there for me whenever i needed him, and I didn't need myself so much anymore. He takes the fall and I relied on that.

I hated it.

"Hey, hey, hey," He whispered, grabbing my hands and putting them to my sides, before lifting my chin up to look at him. HIs breath fanned my face. Minty. He was always eating mints.

"Don't do that," He tsked, "you're going to be okay." He told me while his thumbs brushed away my tears. He was smiling at my misfortune. For the first time since someone told me 'I was going to be okay', since I had been in this hell, I believed them.

"They wouldn't l-let me leave." I choked. Colton tsked again.

"Look at me." He breathed. I looked up at him and he grabbed one of my hands, holding it against his heartbeat.

"I'm right here. Okay?" I nodded and wrapped my arms around his waist, pressing my face into his chest. I held on so tight, but he didn't complain once, all he did was run his hands through my hair.

I took a deep breath and stepped away from him, rubbing my eyes roughly over.

"I'm fine." I dismissed.

"No you're not." He told me with a sigh.

I wasn't fine. Nothing about any of this was fine. It was messed up, that was for sure. I can't tell my parents the truth and I can't tell the police the truth.

What was my cover story?

"Can we just go home? I'm really tired." I told him, completely deflated. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and Colton nodded, reaching behind me to grab my cardigan. His hand found the small of my back and he pushed me towards the door. I was going to argue, tell him about the gaurds but I figured he knew that.

How else did he get in?

We didn't talk on our way out of the hospital, we just walked in a blissful silence, happy to just be in eachother's company finally.

Colton did grab my hand though and pulled me towards him so I had no space at all. I didn't mind it, obviously. He kept his hood up, not taking the risk of being seen. Someone might describe him to Officer dooshbag.

I hated that guy.

As soon as I stepped outside, I broke free from Colton and breathed in deeply, finally develishing in the fresh air. I hadn't been outside for days. I stretched a little bit, making my top rise up a little. Colton was behind me in a flash, his arms coming around my stomach.

He moaned in appriciation,"Please don't do that. I haven't seen you in nearly a week and that's a little too much."

I giggled and spun around to face him.

"Keep it under control." I teased as I looked down to his pants with a raised eyebrow. He pouted in the most adorable cutest sweetest way possible before his face turned serious on our journey back to the car.

"There was actually something I needed to talk to you about."


"I need to go back for a few days, once you're home safe and sound."

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