Chapter 14

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"Mummy, mummy!"

The lady that the 4 year old was yelling at laughed, everything about her giving off vibrance and joy.

She had long thick black hair and piercing brown eyes. Her jaw line strong and her body curvy.

She was breath takingly beautiful.

"I know hunny, I see it. We will buy a new one." She smiled a little longer at the little girl who had the same black hair as her but instead blue eyes, before turning back to talk with a man.

They were in an office and the little girl was playing with two barbies, when one of it's arm fell off.

The broken barbie wore a long white wedding dress with white silk gloves and a tiara.

The little girl named her Caroline. Princess Caroline who was marrying the prince.

The prince wore a tux and his hair was sleeked back. His name was Cole. She named him Prince Cole.

She frowned at the broken barbie as her mum talked with the man.

"We can't let him take her, she's barely a child." She cried silently to the man who wore a serious expression.

They both stared at the adorable girl who could barely understand a word they were talking.

She was care free and so happy in her own little world, marrying Princess Caroline and Prince Cole for at least the 28th time.

"You may now kiss the bride!" She announced, all giddy from the upcoming wedding party.

"Please alpha, help me."

The alpha felt a strange presence within the young girl. He didn't know why or how, but he knew it was his duty to protect her.

But the man wasn't innocent for long, as suddenly he jumped from his seat and his bones started to break. His hands turned to claws and fur grew along his back.

The little girl screamed and started to cry.

"Monster!" She cried as it neared her. She creamed for her mum but soon, her mum started to blur.

She blurred until she wasn't even there anymore. She disappeared.

Now it was just the girl and the monster. She sat in the corner, screaming and blocking her ears so she couldn't hear the growls from 

within the wolf.

"Mummy." She whimpered.

I jolted up on the bed, figuring out where I was for a few seconds. I looked to my left and saw Colton's back moving up and down heavily.

I sighed in relief,"Just a dream."

I wiped the sweat seeming down my forehead. It was all too familiar, too close to home.

There was something I needed to grasp onto in the dream. I needed to dream a little longer to find out the ending.

It felt so...real. Too real, and it was making me uneasy.

I lay back down with a 'puff'.

It's been a pretty restless night. I showered and went straight to bed after the lake. I was so tired.

I turned and faced Colton's back. I think this is the first time I've woken up without him literally on top of me or me on top of him.

I didn't like it.

I pulled on his arm softly, not to wake him fully, but enough for him to switch positions so he was facing me.

He didn't react so I pulled a little harder. He moaned quietly. "What?" He grumbled into his pillow.

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