Chapter 40: Reunion At Last/Confession From The Past/The Truth At Last

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Author note: The reunion between Daryl and Yvonne is finally happening

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Author note: The reunion between Daryl and Yvonne is finally happening. Now its time that he will tell Yvonne what really happened and confession about his past. Excited time Yvonne will finally revealed to Daryl about her daughter.

Yvonne and Daryl POV 

We are finally packed up and back in Virginia. We took Amanda and Tasha with us and moved out of LA. My ex-husband Norman Sims didn't know that I divorce him after he cheated on me after he hire Vikki Spencer the prostitute. I'm glad its over. Now its time we are together at last this time we back at my place where me, my daughters, and my ex-husband Norman live there short before moving to California. My daughters is staying with Whitley for a while.

"No we ain't back in Hillman yet. I'm not ready to face my classmates yet."

"Hey I'm glad you finally did the right thing. I knew its not right about that fool. Hey! What happened to your left side of your lip?"

Daryl saw my lip bleeding.

"It was a accident."

"It's nothing to do falling down stairs. Isn't it, Yvonne?"

I shook my head. I look down as my eyes started when he learns what Norman did to me.

"Oh no! Norman hit you? He abuse you?"

I close my eyes so hard as I  started to cry. I put my hands on my face.

"Yes! He went snapped when I announce that I'm going on tour and then-and then.

Daryl's eyes also started to watery too.

"Then what, Yvonne?"


"He slap me and I hit the bed. I was suffering a lot of abuse from him."

Our tears rolling down our face. Daryl put his hand on his mouth. He is also crying.

"That son of the bitch. I wanna kill him for what he put he did to you."

"Shh! He is not worthy. It's OK."

"I can't lose you after I lost my first love."

"What first love? You have a first girlfriend back then?"

He wipe his own tears for keeping rolling down his face as he telling me about his past. I didn't know.

"My ex-girlfriend. Her name is Samantha. She was murdered."

"What? Oh no! Who did this?"

"You're don't who he was but his name is Jamul. My best friend betray me.. They both having affair. He kill her in apartment before headed to University of Alabama. I felt sick and I wanna kill him so bad for he did to her."

I remember that I saw the incident on the news.

"I saw the coverage about the event."

"He knows about you and me after I broke up with Sam. He is been in my business and ruin Sam's life. I was in bad place."

"Where is Jamul now?"

"He is sent to mental hospital in Oregon, but now he is jail since for the murder of Sam."


"Justice is been finally served. Now Samantha can Rest in Peace."

We been talking about all day and now I'm ready to tell Daryl something.



"I got something to tell and I've been waiting a long time."

We look at each other eyes.

Meanwhile POV That night

"Do you're remember that letter that I wrote for you long time ago when I was still on off broadway?"

"Yeah! I still had it since and there something you're wanna tell me?"

"I was dating Norman Sims. I was in the hospital after I collapse on the floor and I the nurses told me that I was pregnant with Amanda. Daryl, I wasn't carry Norman's baby."

"Oh my! We are just got back together after I graduate from high school."

"We would reunited and start making love."

"You're remember. That is why-"

I stop and learn that she wrote that letter to confess to me that will change everything.

"Yvonne, that means that I'm-"

"Yes! Norman is not the father. He ain't got me pregnant. You are! Daryl, Amanda is your daughter."

Daryl's eyes wide open as my eyes started to watery and He begin to broke into tears. He put my hand over my mouth. He can't believe it. We both cry.


"Oh Yvonne, Is it true all along?"

"The letters. OMG! I wrote it because Norman didn't know it was not his daughter. We are gonna look around."

We wipe away our tears as we started looking.

Thirty Minutes Later POV

We just keep looking but we look everywhere until we saw the basement and open the chest. Its was a lot of dirt. 

"UGH! Didn't Norman never heard of Spring Cleaning?"

"He didn't do any shit before we all moved out of the house."

We open the case and saw more letters.

"Oh gosh! I found it. Norman hide this from me all along."

"There it is. Read it.

Daryl's teary up when he smell the red rose.

My eyes are watery.

"Oh! It was true? I'll got you pregnant and I'm the father of Amanda."

Daryl's tears continue to fall.

"Yes! YESS!"

We hug each other as cry together.

"I'm a daddy all along. We belong together. We are finally a family.

"We're now."

We overjoyed and hug together.

Author note: YAYYYY! It's about time! Daryl and Yvonne are finally have a daughter together. Amanda didn't know that Daryl is her father. Norman is still a father of Tasha.  Oooh more to come in few chapters.

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