Chapter 18: Cutting Ties With Friends For Good/Reunited With The Lover

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Start writing your story

Author note: It's gonna be the long chapter and it's not gonna sit well for his friends. This is finally based on Michael Jackson's hit song "Bad".

Daryl POV 1985

It's morning thinking about Yvonne now she is still on Sophisticated Ladies for 2 years in NYC. I miss her like crazy. I ain't seeing her in 3 years since. I'll read all her letters and she wrote to me since while she is busy on broadway, and I'm looking forward to finish school and reconnect her and then I'll felt I should tell my friends Jerry and Rocko. We are gonna be graduate from high school in couple days.

"Daryl, your breakfast is ready."

I overheard my mother call me.

"Alright mom, I will be right down."

I went downstairs and finally watch my hands and get ready to eat. She is so emotional because I'm going to college and I was waiting on who will choose.

"Oh mom, I can't believe I'm gonna be graduate after been in high school for five years."

"Honey, I'm soo proud of you. After you been clean after all these years and now you're been getting a lot of A's now."

The doorbell ring and its a mailman came and it got bills but now my mom saw the letter and I started opening as I read.

"Dear Daryl Jones,

That is me.

You'll been accepted to Hillman-"


"What is it?"

"I got in."


"I got accept to Hillman College."

They hug each other and they were tears are joy.

"Where is gonna be at?"

"It's gonna be in Virginia.

"Oh son, It's gonna be far away from Baltimore."

"It's not that far, mom. It's the black colleges out there."

I'm concern about how my friends will reacted.

"I'll gonna go mom. I can't wait."

I left the house to tell them now.

Meanwhile POV

My friends Max, Rocko and Jerry is still get kick out of school since. They'll still hang out, but they still got kick out of school for many years. They are still on the streets always get in trouble but they are still doing well now they are out of jail since. I didn't tell them about me and Yvonne yet. But now they are in the park. I found them.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Daryl, What's up?"

"I'm just came from school now everybody went home. I just came to tell you guys something. Where is Max?"

"He is been waiting from you all day. He is getting us something to eat. So what you're going tell us."

"Since it's my last year in school in Baltimore, I got great news and bad news."


"Well I got a letter from Hillman College."

"And what?"

"I got in."

Max came back overheard about my announce.

"What is the bad news?"

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