Chapter 26: Another Daughter Is Born/Writing A Confession

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Author note: Now we are finally in Bad Era and it's Fiction. This will be short chapter Daryl, Whitley, Jaliscia and Maggie are back in the chapter. and actress Mary Alice(RIP)add to the chapter.

My daughter Tasha is born came to my life in late 1986 week before Christmas. She is a week old now. It's been the best earlier Christmas present. My husband Norman and I made up now he is finally got together. I'm still writing letters to Daryl. I've been keeping a secret about my daughter  from Daryl since. Daryl and I wanna have children after getting married. But I broke Daryl's heart after telling him I was married Norman Sims. I still thinking about Daryl not about my husband at all. I'm finally brought Tasha to campus so they can meet her. Whitley is soo excited to see me too.

"Hey looks who is back?"

"Hey girls, How is it going with your family?"

"Everything is going great. The presents are wrap up for the kids all together."

"I can't believe you're finally had another daughter."

"Guys, This is my daughter Tasha. She is now a weeks,"

"Awwww! She is so precious."

"Thanks Maggie."

"Where is Amanda?"

"She is with her grandparents in Chicago?"

"Is everything good with Norman?"

"Well me and Norman are working things out for our daughter Amanda's sake after Tasha is born and finally he stop gambling. So now we back together."

"That is umm great."

"It's something wrong, Jalisica?"

"It's just after Norman betray you after gambling, is it really cheat on you?"

"No! Why did you're say that? You're don't know him."

"We're are curious. I mean-"

Daryl walk in from the library and sees me for the first time since I had my baby.

"Hey, Yvonne. "

"Hey, Daryl. Listen Jalicisa, I aint got time for judgement today and not from you about my husband."

"Fine! Forget about you anyway."

Hey, what is her problem?"

"I don't know. She is just jealous."

"I heard that."

"Come on, we got to get to class."

"So how is your family?"

"It's been great. It's that your another baby? She is soo adorable."

"Yes! Her name is Tasha."

"You're lost weight so quick. I was just want to congratulate on your another baby."

"Thanks, Did you're get my letter?"

"Yes, I still got it. Wow! Looks like you and your husband still going well."

"Yep! It's going good."

"Aww! She is so beautiful. She is beautiful eyes. Just like you."

"You're wanna hold her?"

"Can I?"

"Yes. Here."

Daryl is holding my daughter for the first time. He smiling looking at my daughter. My eyes are watery.

"Hey, What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, It's just that I'm greatfully that you're meet my another daughter like you're met Amanda."

"Where is she anyway?"

"She is over at Cindy's house. She is babysit for me."

"Oh that will be great idea now you're back in Hillman for another year.

"I'm gonna sent Tasha back to Cindy's house. Come to mommy sweetheart."

"OK goodbye, little precious."

I went to headed over to Cindy's pick Amanda up and sent her back to my adopted house back in NYC

"Oh my gosh, After Daryl look at my daughter's eyes. I can't let my husband know about Daryl and me."

Meanwhile That night POV

I'm back at home with my daughters. I'm finally about to go to sleep but now I got to keep writing a letter. So I open the book and get the paper so I continue. But I hide the letter because Vikki is about to leave because she is back started back in school.

"Vikki, here is another money. You deserves a raise."

"Are you serious? Thank you so much."

"Good luck going back to school."

"Thank you, Yvonne."

Oh thank goodness finally now I'm back to writing.

"Dear Daryl,

"I'm glad you're still writing letter. Now I'm writing to you cause I wanna share with you. When you're looking at my daughters Amanda and Tasha after you're met them, My husband Norman didn't look like them. I'll been racing Amanda after she was born. I knew you've been trying to reach out to me after I left the musical. I lost contact with you. I was dating Norman Sims after I left the musical I was sick. I was the hospital and then I was pregnant. And then I'm finally decide keep quiet in a long time and keep a secret from you because Norman didn't know. He didn't improve. Well now, I felt the reason I wanna confess in letter that  I give birth to your daughter. Daryl, Amanda is your daughter."

Uh-oh Vikki is overheard behind my confessions while I writing the letter. She is learning the truth.

Author note: Uh-Oh! Vikki is causing trouble after now she overheard Yvonne's secret. There it is big confession right there. Daryl is the father of Amanda. It's gonna be long time. We got more chapters coming up in more to come.

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