I Can't

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(Sorry it didn't have a title)



Chapter 21: Third person POV

Niall looked at Molly and listened to her speak. He wasn't sure what she was talking about but that was the thing about Molly. You never knew what she was talking about yet you always seemed to get lost in the nonsense she was speaking.

"I'm sorry," she said and that, Niall heard. He looked at the hurt thoughtful look on her face and he knew what she was talking about and as mad as he was at her before, seeing her again just took all that away.

"It's ok," he smiled and she shook her head letting out a sigh.

"Why are you so nice?" She asked and he chuckled shrugging his shoulders.

"Life's to short to be mad about something from the past that doesn't matter in the future." Molly looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"God you sound like a stupid Tumblr quote right now." Niall laughed tipping his head back and he remembered why he ever liked Molly. His laughter died down and he looked at her and admired all her pretty features. Even at the age of twenty seven she still looked great. Maybe even better.

A strand of her hair fell from its place and he reached out and tucked it behind her ear. She smiled and looked down at the grass feeling shy. Niall chuckled.

"I do forgive you though," he said and she looked at him.

"Thank you," was all she said and as Niall looked at her it was as if they were back in high school and still the two nervous teens they used to be. And before Niall could actually process and think about what he was about to do, he leaned in pulling her into a kiss.

It was sweet but only three seconds long. He had taken her by surprise, as well as himself but she didn't mind it one bit. It still felt like all those other kisses but something was missing. He couldn't exactly pinpoint was it was, but something seemed off. Niall smiled caressing her cheek but he broke from his teenage mind when he heard Theo scream.

Niall turned and he swore he died then and there because lying on the ground, still and pale was Jasper. Niall stood quickly but it seemed like he was in a slow motion moving because it felt like he couldn't reach Jasper fast enough.

Once he did he fell into his knees next to Jasper and picked up his head resting it on his lap. He looked down at Jaspers beautiful face and felt tears well in his eyes. He bent down and listened to Jaspers slow breathing. At least he was still alive.

Soon his mother showed up at his side with one of his uncles whom just so happened to be a doctor. Niall carried him into his bedroom and laid him on the bed carefully. He still hadn't woken up. Niall's uncle took care of him and all Niall could think was that that should be him. Of course he wasn't a doctor but he meant that he should be the one protecting him and making him feel better. He broke the promise he made Luke but most importantly he failed Jasper.


When Jasper finally woke up it felt like he had been asleep for ages. His body felt sore and his head hurt. He felt drained like he had cried for an entire day. He looked around discovering that it wasn't his room. He sat up and pulled the blankets off his overly heated body. He racked his brain to figure out where he was and was ready to yell out for Luke. But when the door opened and he saw Niall, it all came crashing back like a tsunami.

He was drowning in sadness and anger and regret.

Niall read Jaspers hurt face and set down the tea he had in his hands on the coffee table not wanting to burn himself. "Jasper I'm so sorry," he said walking towards him but Jasper didn't say anything.

Stone (A Niall Horan BoyxBoy Fanfic)✔️Where stories live. Discover now