Let Me Hold You

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A/N: Sorry for this short chapter but I tried to make it cute as I could and I'm pretty happy with it. the next chapter is the anniversary one and then I think there will only be like four more chapters or so.

And thanks to those who've read my new story it means a lot and if you already haven't then go do it and let me know what you think.



(P.S if you haven't noticed I love sleeping at last so much)

Chapter 17: Third Person

"So this your room, and mine is the one across the hall so if you need anything, don't hesitate. Ok?" Niall says as he shows Jasper to the spare bedroom in the house. it wasn't very big but a decent size, not like Jasper cared anyways. Niall's parents were letting him stay in their house meaning it wasn't Jaspers place to complain. he walked into the room looking at the creme colored walls and the brown sheet covered king sized bed.

"Thanks," he says turning back to Niall that stood at the doorway with a smile on his face. it made Jaspers heart flutter. it was crazy how much Niall affected him. Niall smiled wider and rocked back and forth on his heels.

"Well dinner is almost ready, so when you're ready just come to the kitchen," he says. Jasper nods smiling. "well I'll be in the kitchen." Niall adds and walks out closing the door as well. Jasper sighs rubbing his face.

"What am doing here?" He asks himself because he honestly doesn't have a clue. Niall could've asked anyone to come with him so why did he ask him? Yes Niall said that he liked him and wanted to be friends but what that the only reason? Jasper liked to think that it was for a different reason because when he reminded himself that they were "just friends" it made his stomach churn with disappointment. Buts that all they were.

"Then why did he kiss me?" He sighs sitting on the bed. is that what "friends" do because of it was then he wouldn't mind if they did it again but Jasper knew it would just make his feelings grow and when Niall did find a girlfriend or someone else he'd just die. that was the scariest thing to Jasper: Niall finding someone else. But of course it was inevitable and Jasper knew he had to let his feelings go but it was going to be easier said than done.

"Whatever Jasper it's only three days and you'll be back with Luke and at work and you'll hardly see Niall and everything will be fine," he says to himself trying to believe his own words.


Downstairs Niall was helping his mother set the table while catching glimpses of the football game his father was watching in the living room.

"So where's your boyfriend- I mean Jasper," his mother teases with a playful smile. Niall blushes setting glasses carefully next to the plates.

"Mum he's not my boyfriend and he's upstairs in his room," Niall answered setting down the last glass. Just then Jasper appeared and his heart dropped when he heard what Niall said. it hurt but it was expected. Nonetheless he walked into the kitchen with a shy smile on his face trying to hide his sadness.

"Hey," Niall said looking at Jasper. Jasper smiled but wrapped his arms around himself when he noticed Maura looking at him. she chuckled causing him to feel insecure and a blush to spread on his face and due to his pale skin he probably looked like a tomato.

"You're so cute Jasper!" Maura gushed giggling sounding like a teenage girl. Niall rolled his eyes feeling embarrassed. "well I'm gonna go get the food so you boys can take a seat. Bobby! Dinners ready!" she yelled to her husband who was in perfect talking distance but she just wanted To yell knowing it bugged him and she loved to push his buttons.

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