Have To Forget You

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Chapter 22: Third Person pov

When the grey car finally dissappeared off into the distance, Niall wished he dissappeared from the entire world. The love of his life was leaving him and there was nothing he could do to stop him. If he could take back the kiss, a kiss that meant absolutely nothing that he regretted, he would. But he couldn't. All he could was apologize but obviously that wasn't enough. He didn't blame Jasper though. He had been though a lot already and Niall knew that.

He knew all about that yet, he goes and kisses his ex girlfriend completely forgetting about Jasper in that moment. An obvious d!ck move and there was no wonder Jasper probably hates him. Niall hated himself too.

There was a knock on his bedroom door but he didn't say anything or answered it. He didn't want to talk to anyone because no one was going to make him feel better unless they told him Jasper was coming back.

Fortunately the knocking stopped but the person didn't leave. They walked in but Niall continued to stare out the window. He expected the person to be One of the guys or his mom but it wasn't. It was the person he definitely didn't want to see and was still confused as to why they were there in the first place.

"Niall," She began but Niall cut her off.

"Leave," he said trying not to sound too hostile but failed miserably. Molly looked taken back and hurt by his words.

"What? Why?" She asked making him groan.

"Because I don't want you here," he said through gritted teeth. He didn't want to be mean but his anger was taking over his body. He couldn't help it. Molly was speechless and hurt. How can he say those things? She thought.

"Why are you even here? After all those years why now? Huh?" She couldn't answer his questions because she wasn't sure what to say.

"I came to apologize to you," she said taking a few steps towards Niall and reaching out her hand to touch his shoulder. He avoided her touch and managed to walk around her and to the other side of his bed.

"Well I forgave you so I think it's time you left," he said crossing his arms and nodding towards his open bedroom door. Molly felt like crying. She didn't understand why he was acting like this all of a sudden but maybe he was having an off day she thought. But deep down she knew he still loved her. He kissed her so what other explanation was there?

Soon her sadness became happiness knowking that her coming here wasn't a bad idea in the long run. He still had feelings for her and that's all she wanted to know. Smiling she nodded walking towards him and said, "Ok. well I'll see you later." she leaned and pecked his cheek.

Niall didn't say or do anything and just stood there awaiting for her to leave. He was confused by her but didn't question it. At least she wasn't mad at him. He didn't think he could handle one more person hating him.

Sighing, he claimed on his bed and laid his head on his pillow and specifacly grabbed the pillow Jasper used to sleep on and brought it to his chest. It still had the faint aroma of Jaspers clean scent. Niall felt tears well in his eyes realizing that the pillow and his bed were the only reminder he had that Jasper was actually there and not just some dream. He remembered the kiss and licked his lips and he swore he could still taste the frozen yogurt Jasper had been eating.

He sniffed the pillow and began to cry. He cried and cried until he couldn't anymore. He felt empty and sad and thinking about how Jasper was feeling made him feel even worse. He loved Jasper so much and he didn't think he'd be able to get over him. Jasper said he needed time and Niall would wait how ever long.

But who was too say Jasper would? Who was to say that Jasper wouldn't meet someone around his own age? Who was to say Jasper wouldn't forget about Niall? Those were all possibilities and as much as Niall didn't want that to happen, it could.

Niall needed to forget him. He didn't want to, but he had too. He couldn't go on and be sad all the time about a boy that left him. He didn't want to be that guy. The guy that was always brooding over someone that didn't want them anymore. He hoped that Jasper still did but he didn't want to get his hopes up.

Besides, Luke would probably be at his ear again talking crap about Niall and Jasper, being innocent person he is will believe his older brother.

Niall needed to forget him one way or another. It'd be hard but it's the best for both of them.


"I made you some tea," Luke said appearing from the kitchen and carrying a cup of tea to the living room where Jasper was. He set it on the coffee table waiting for his brother to say something. But he didn't.

He sat still on the couch staring out the window with his knees up to chest. His eyes were red and his cheeks were puffy with with tears still running down them. He wasn't making a noise or anything. The tears were just falling on their own and Luke was baffled by how much tears were in Jasper.

Luke wanted to know what was wrong because when jasper got there all he did was cry. Luke could only assume that Niall has something to do with the way Jasper was acting because he had come back early from Ireland a sad mess. He wanted to kill Niall, he really did, but first he needed to know what happened.

"Jasper, tell me the hell is wrong!" Luke finally snapped, slamming his hands in the coffee table causing some tea to splash from the cup. He was getting frustrated with Jasper and he disliked being mean to him but if that's what got him to talk then so be it.

Much to his dismay his actions didn't effect Jasper what so ever. He remained frozen, eyes staring out the window and Luke even had to check to see if he was breathing. Thankfully he was but he began to get more angry.

"You need to forget that asshole! You hear me Jasper? He made you cry and he broke his promise to me, he doesn't deserve you." That got Jaspers attention. He looked at Luke and began to sob. Luke cursed under his breath and sat next to Jasper wrapping him up into a hug.

"Please tell me you'll forget him?" Luke pleaded making Jasper cry more. Asking him that is like telling him not to breathe; Its impossible. He'd never be able to forget Niall. He loved him. Yea he hurt Jasper but he could tell it wasn't intentional. He could tell by the way he asked for Jaspers forgiveness and said he was sorry.

He sort of regretted not forgiving him and staying but he knew that if he had stayed the voices wouldn't leave him alone. He needed to heal from his past and being in a relationship would've just made it harder for him. They probably would've ended breaking up and Jasper didn't want that. Niall made him happy and he wanted him to do that for the rest of his life.

Asking Jasper to forget Niall was something impossible but he just nodded telling Luke what he wanted to hear. Jasper was never going I forget Niall and he hoped Niall wouldn't either.


A/N: So.... This chapter was more of a filler but I needed to make this story work so yeah. Sorry if I broke any hearts with this chapter but it had to be done.

But was it good? Yay or Nay?

Until next time.




F O L L O W (I follow back)

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