Oh Mother

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Chapter 3

It's been a week since the night at the club. I'm not entirely sure why I was so panicked and confused but I guess it was because an attractive girl was feeling me up and I didn't get turned on. Not even a tingle! I felt nothing and it scared me. Was there something wrong with me? Did I lose feeling downstairs?

Fortunately, my mind seemed to have let it go and I carried on with my lame ass week doing nothing. Not like I do anything anyways, but this week was just even more lazy and boring.

After the band ended and we all went our separate ways(or just down the street) Harry and Zayn thought of the idea of opening their own tattoo parlor and after almost a year and half of planning everything they opened it.

Their business has been going great and they do their job well. I work the register along with El or Perrie or even Josh when they're around but recently Zayn has been training me with drawing the designs and let's just say a blind person could probably draw a stick figure better than me.

The entire week was a slow one with only one or two customers everyday but I blame it on people still being on holiday vacation or something. On days like these I usually go home early leaving the register to one of the guys or girls to come home and watch tv. I guess you could say I was being productive. Not.

It was a Friday night and we decided to close up early. I said bye to my coworkers that were packing up their things to leave and walked out the door to my car. Even though I had done nothing all day but take in calls for appointments and listen to Zayn talk endlessly about Perrie, I was exhausted. My head was pounding and by body felt tired like I had run a marathon.

Once I got home to my lonely home I went straight to my room and flung myself on my bed. I landed with an "oomph," and rested my head on my pillow. I lied on my stomach for a couple of minutes and felt my eyes get heavy and my mind drift off when my phone vibrated in my pants pocket. I groaned, tempted to just let it ring but decided that maybe it was an emergency.

I pulled my phone out, slightly groaning seeing as it was my mum. Don't get me wrong, I love my mum more than anyone in the world. Even food, but my mum is just one of those women that cares too much. I'm glad she cares and loves me but goodness, a man needs a break sometimes.

"Hello mum," I say once I answer my phone.

"Oh hi, honey. Were you asleep?" She asks and I can hear the judgment in her tone because it was still pretty early in the day.

"Kind of, but its okay. you're more important that my sleep," I smile knowing that she hates when I say things like this saying it makes me sound cheesy and like a liar.

"Oh hush up Niall!" I laugh and ask her about how dad and Greg are and about how she was doing . after almost and hour of talking I finally ask her if there was a reason she was actually calling me.

"Oh yeah. thanks for reminding me!" I roll my eyes but smile at her forgetfulness.

"Your father and I are celebrating our anniversary early this year because he want to take me on a vacation that day so we're having a little get together with the family next month." I sit up on my bed and hide the groan to that wants to escape my lips. I've never really liked family gatherings or just telling people what I've been doing with my life not wanting to hear or see the judgmental looks or whispers of my cousins or uncles. But I'd do anything for my parents so I'd just have to deal with it.

"Where's dad taking you?" I ask filling the silence in our conversation.

"I'm not sure. you know your father. he's a secretive man, said it was a surprise," she says but I can hear the fondness in her voice. Even after so many years, their love for each other didn't stop but seemed to grow everyday. my parents relationship is something I'm looking for but I can already tell my future is going to be filled with disappointment.

"Yeah well thanks for informing me mum, just let me know the day so I can buy some clothes yeah?"

"Yeah and tell the boys too! I'd love for them to be there. Maybe we can have a little concert too." I chuckle. my mum was a big fan of the band and I wasn't even her favorite. It was Zayn but then again he was my favorite too. Just don't tell the other boys.

"Ok mum, I'll let them know but no promises they'll be there."

"Alright. and Ni?" She asks.


"Bring a date please."

"Mum I-"

"Please Niall. I don't like seeing you alone. it makes me sad. I want you to settle down and have kids because you're not getting any younger hun. You guys don't even have to be dating but please, just bring someone." I frown listening to her talk about my non existent love life that I'm always looking for.

"Ok mum," I give in not wanting to start an argument and she seems content with my response and says goodbye leaving me to feel even lonelier than before.

I've been looking since forever for my perfect girl so finding one in less than a month would be even harder.

I could always ask Harry or Liam for help or any of the boys for that matter but I don't want to be set up with someone. I just want to meet them unexpectedly and slowly get to know them and hopefully fall for them.

But until then, I'll just settle for getting a puppy to make me feel less lonely.

Stone (A Niall Horan BoyxBoy Fanfic)✔️Where stories live. Discover now