Damn Car and Lovely Eyes

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Chapter 4

The next morning I woke up earlier than usual with my mothers words from the night before ringing in my ears. 'I don't like seeing you lonely.' If only she knew I didn't either. I sat up on my bed rubbing my eyes and yawning, getting my laptop from under my bed. I scratch my head and type in my password and open up a new tab. I stare at the Google search engine for a while deciding on what i should type in. I think and finally type in "nearest pet shops." once I click enter there's over a hundred responses but only one that actually tells me about a shoppe. I click on it and print out the address. I wasn't joking about getting a puppy. I've always wanted a dog of my own but never really dared to get one. Liam said they were hard work and I just worried I would kill it or something. a puppies death is not something I wanted hanging over my head but now I just thought fuck it.

I got up from my bed and walked to my bathroom turning on the shower and waited for it to warm up. once it did I got in after taking off my briefs and sighed as the warm water cascaded down my body like a massage. I washed my body with my old spice wash and washed my hair with my green apple scented shampoo.

I stepped out when I was done, wrapping a towel around my waist and brushed my teeth in the sink. after that I went back to my bedroom and got dressed not bothering to do my hair and just got a hat to put over it. Deciding that I looked decent I got the paper I printed from my bed and walked out to my kitchen. surprising enough I wasn't hungry and just left a note for Liam or Harry if they stopped by saying I was going out for a bit and if they wanted food they needed to get it themselves because I didn't have any.

With that I left my house and got into my car, following the directions that were printed on the paper in my hands.


An hour must've passed as I swore I was going around in circles, driving around the same block, passing by the same alleys and diving by the same old guy asking for money. this side of town was new to me and not one I would find myself returning too. the sidewalks were empty and it just looked like a ghost town.

I scrunched my eyebrows looking at the address on the paper at the one on the street I kept passing.

" mill plain 2nd street, mill plain 2nd! What the heck! This is the god dang flipping street!" I shout pounding my hands on the steering wheel. I look at the time on my phone and my stomach rumbles loudly, yelling at me to feed it.

"Fine, I can do this another time," I say defeated bawling up the paper in my hands and throwing it behind me. I turn my car back on looking behind me for any cars and try to pull away when my car decides to turn off.

"Fuck!" I groan turning the key but getting nothing from the car but a quiet churning sound. I look at my phone and contemplate calling one of the guys for help but I don't need them saying I'm not a man for not being able to fix my car. I unbuckle my seat belt looking around for any sketchy looking person and get out of my car when it looks safe.

A shiver escapes my lips when I get out but I ignore it and pop open the hood. i grunted when I saw nothing wrong. I wasn't an expert in the vehicle department but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I guess it was something me or one the boys couldn't fix but a professional. I took out my phone and dialed Liam's number so he could come pick me up wherever I was when I heard angry, desperate shouts from the alley next to me. my curiosity was perked when I saw two shadows and my inner hero came out when I saw the smaller shadow cower down and I could hear their faint whimpers and cries. It wasn't until I saw the bigger guy punch and kick off he smaller figure when my legs decided to finally act and run into the alley. as I did I prayed to God I didn't die because who knows what kind of town or people these are.

"Hey, stop!" I shouted at the man hoping he'd stop beating the other guy but to my luck ignored me. I was close enough to them where I could grab the guys beefy arms and push him away. he falls to the ground, muttering a fountain of curse words and sneering at me when he stands up.

"Who do you think you are you piece of shit!?" He hissed grabbing me by my shirt collar. my heart pounds heavy in my chest and my palms sweat and I'm tempted to tell the guy I'll give him money but right now the look on his face tells me money is the least of him worries. the guy he was currently beating up was huddled in a ball staring me with worry and fear in his lovely blue eyes. I wasn't sure why he was still there because it I were him I would've fled but then again he was most likely hurt.

I adverted my eyes from his pretty blue ones and looked into angry brown ones. I guess he didn't like that I looked him in the eyes cause' he slammed my back against the brick wall pushing his hands on my throat. I attempt to kick but it doesn't affect him what's so ever and I feel my head get light and face like it's going to explode. when I feel like I'm floating, the pressure on my throat is gone and am falling on the hard ground gasping for air.

As I get air back into my lungs, the boy with blue eyes is standing before me holding a metal bar in his hands panting with fear in his eyes. the big guy is knocked on the ground face down and luckily still breathing.

"Jesus christ," I mutter under my breath standing up staring at the boy who seemed paralyzed in place. I walk towards him slowly grabbing his hand that held the metal weapon. he jumped staring at me with fear clutching the bar harder and trying to back away from him.

"Hey, hey, it's ok! You're safe," I reassure him staring into his captivating eyes. he seems to trust me and reluctantly lets go. I offer him a smile and set the bar down on the ground. the guy on the ground stirs a bit and I quickly grab the boys hand and pull him out of the alley.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere?" I ask examine his face for any brusies or blood. a blush creeps on his face and shakes his head.

"N-no I'm f-fine, thanks," he stutters but his voice is to perfect for me to even really notice his stammering.

"Ok, good. what are you doing here by your self, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I-i was going to m-my brothers and that guy s-started calling me n-names and took me to the alley and s-started hitting me,"

"Hey, it's ok. you're okay," assure him as he starts to panic. he looks freaked and I feel for him. he looks so innocent and fragile and I just feel the need to help him.

"Well ho far away does your brother live?"

"Just down the road, like five minutes," he explains. I nod. I doesn't seem far but I'm still worried.

"Would you like me to walk you? I'd offer to drive but my car isn't working." he smiles but shakes his head.

"No, t-thanks. I can walk."

"Are you sure?" I insist, smiling when I see his cheeks turn pink.

"Yeah I'm fine. thanks."

"Ok." he nods and gives me a warm smile before walking away to the direction of his brothers house. I watch as he walks away turning away when he catches me staring. my palms are sweaty and my heart beats fast but it's not for the same reasons in the alley with the big guy. no, these are much different reasons.
A/N: Sorry if this seems rushed cuz it was. Sorry for any mistakes. It's not edited obviously.

Until next week


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