Love Hurts Prt. 1

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AN: Holy poop this is chapter 10! This is pretty exciting to me so in honor of being in the double digits I've decided to make this chapter in Jasper's POV! Yay! Hope you like it!

Chapter 10: Jas' POV

The room was dark and it seemed as thought there was no escape and never ending. I kept hearing voices but I knew I was alone in the room. The voices were sinister and whispered cruel things in my ear. they sounds liked her.

I covered my ears to try and make them stop, to make them shut up, but they didn't.

Tears ran down my face and I rocked back and forth on the cold ground trying to think of why I was being punished. And when it was gonna end. Had I said something wrong? Did I do something she didn't like?

I pondered more questions but before I could come up with any answers, the clicking of her heels on the floor echoed in the room and and my heart people pounded in my fourteen year old chest. My body trembled with fear hoping this was just a sick dream. not only this, but my enter life.

I shut my eyes hoping that maybe if I didn't see her, she wouldn't seem so scary, but no matter what you do, you can't make a monster seem less scary. they would always be a monster no matter how hard you tried to see beyond them.

"Have you learned your lesson you little sinner?" She growled slamming the door open, the outline of her tall figure standing in the door way, her voice sending chills down my spine. I whimpered as she stepped closer, and flinched when she pulled at my ear roughly. It burned but I dared not to move away or whine, knowing she'd do something worse if I did. I still scars on my back from the last time I was punished.

"Answer me!" She hissed yanking me up from the ground still pinching my ear. i whimpered and hissed in pain trying to get away but she held on tighter expecting an answer but I didn't know what in was apologizing for. I never did because she never told me what I did wrong. I did everything she told me, but still, every night she punished me and made me apologize . Tonight was like any other night of my life, and the punishment wasn't as severe. it was one of better ones and like any other one, I did know why it was happening.

Nonetheless I replied with a strained "yes ma'am," to make the pain stop. I tried to sound sincere though the pain and she seemed happy with my answer so she let go and I dropped to the ground clutching my ear as it felt like it was on fire. I sobbed silientky, wanting to be alone, but she wouldn't leave.

"I'm just trying to teach you a lesson Jasper," she said softly trying to soothe me while rubbing my head. "I'm just doing it cause I love you."

And I believed her, because deep down I knew she loved me. she just had a different way of showing me. But as I clutched my ear, and the scars on my back itched, i just wondered how much of her love I could take.


(Present time)

I woke up clutching me ear as if I could still feel the pain even after six years. I had been scared not only physically but mentally. everywhere I looked, I saw her, and everything just brought me back to her. Like everythime I saw my naked back, and the pink slashes on my back reminded me of all the pain I had as a child.

She made me fear the world by telling me that people and the world were much scarier and could do even worse things to me than her. And like any innocent child with no experience of anything, I believed her.

Now I was twenty, and still carried the fear with me that she was right but I knew she wasn't. she was the only monster in my eyes and when she died I released the biggest I didn't know I was holding. seventeen years old and glad that your mother died? Most would be sad, but if you lived the way I did you'd understand how I felt: trapped and just waiting for the moment you didn't feel anything anymore. Sad, I know.

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