Love Hurts prt 2

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Chapter 11: Niall's POV

"Jasper!" I shouted, jolting awake. I was panting, sitting up on my bed, looking around to make sure what I had dreamt was indeed just a dream and nothing more. I'd die if it was real.

When I saw I was alone in my room I looked at the time seeing that it wasn't even midnight yet. Almost two hours from it actually, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep now.

I lied in bed, replaying the horrid dream in my head, over and over again and all I could see was the pained look on Jaspers face when I was going to marry that girl. Even if it was a dream, it hurt me knowing if caused him to feel pain and I just wished I'd finish my dream to finally tell him what I've been wanting to say to him since the first time we met.

At first I was too blinded by finding the perfect girl that I didn't pay attention to the signs in front of me. They were clear, but now that I finally saw the girl in my dreams I realized I didn't care about her anymore. All I cared about was the guy behind her and the guy that was laying next to me in the beginning.

Louis is right, I do need man up and tell him how I feel because I'd rather him not feel the same then to have my bad dream become a reality. I mean, what do I have to lose?


Thinking about what I was going to say as I drove to his house was probably the most nerve wracking thing ever in my opinion. Do I be blunt and just say "Jasper I had a dream about you and I like you," or do I just say "hey"? But most importantly, what if he didn't answer the door and Luke was there? The guy hates me and showing up at his house at this time of night would probably cross the line and he'd just kill me. Or maybe he won't.


I stood outside in the chilly early spring night starring at a bright red door for several minutes figuring out if what I was doing was right. I was tempted to just go back in my car and leave but then if I did I wouldn't be able to sleep thinking about how different everything would be later on if I had told him.

But at the same time I wasn't ready to just go up and tell him that I liked him. it felt like it was too soon and like I said before, I wasn't ready for what would happen once I did. I don't think I'd be able to deal with rejection if it came and everything else that came with loving someone.

But Jasper would be my exception.


I knocked on the door softly but firmly and waited patiently for it to open. I waited for a minute and when i almost turned around to leave and decided that I was stupid for coming, the door opened and I let out a sigh when it was Jasper.

His platinum hair was disheveled, and his eyes were red along with his nose and when I saw the tissue in his hand and the blanket around his shoulders I then realized he was sick. Normally when people are sick they look terrible and well, sick but not Jasper. He looked as good as he did any other day and I was in awe of him.

"Hi," I finally spoke after a long silence of me just starring at him and it was the only pathetic thing I could manage.

"What are you doing here?" He asked harshly and I frowned at his tone. Did I do something wrong?

"I just in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by for a visit," I lied scratching the back of my neck awkwardly avoiding his eyes.

"Well you wasted your time because I don't wanna see you. goodbye," he said but when I looked into his eyes, they said something else and I knew there was something wrong. Jasper looked hurt. Not physically but emotionally.

Stone (A Niall Horan BoyxBoy Fanfic)✔️Where stories live. Discover now