Lets Dance

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(Damn boi you fine!)

Chapter 2:

Before I knew it, it was already 7 and I still couldn't find anything to wear. My hair was dripping wet forming a puddle on my bedroom floor as I rummaged in my closet for something to wear. You'd think that after years of performing and going to many fancy places I'd know how to dress myself but I don't. I struggle to find clothes when I'm just going to the grocery store so finding clothes to go clubbing is like telling someone to not blink. It's flipping hard!

"Ni, we're here!" Liam shouts signaling his and Harry's arrival which makes me panic even more. I'm not sure why I'm so nervous to be going out. I go out often but I guess it's the nervousnesses that maybe I'll finally meet her. "The one" that is. like I told the guys earlier this morning, if she really is out there she'll come sooner or later but there's only so long you can wait before you get lonely.

Or I could just get a dog. Yeah, I think I'll do that instead.

It was 8 by the time we showed up the club. I decided on just wearing a white shirt and some black skinny jeans and black converse. I mean it's only a club, not a dinner with the royal family. Harry insisted I wear some thing else which resulted in a stupid argument in which he said "no girl Will like you dressed like that." And me saying "your mum does."

It then resulted with Liam scowling at both of us like a parent making us apologize to each other because we did say some more nasty things. I think the only reason Harry wanted me to change was because we were wearing the same thing. Diva.

The line outside the club was long but because we knew the owner the bouncer let us through. I felt bad watching as people already in line for hours groan and get mad but there wasn't much I could do. So far after ending the band, our fame has sort of died down a bit. Yes we do get the occasional fan girls and the paparazzi but nothing as major as it used to and it feels, I don't know nice to not be paranoid that someone is following you around watching your every move, or feeling claustrophobic when people are surrounding you.

I loved being in the band but nothing beats living a calm relaxed life.

"Wow this place is packed!" I shout over the loud music blaring throughout the room. lights are flashing and there's people everywhere dancing. some People dancing to the point where they're basically doing it in front of everyone.

"It is a Friday night," Harry shouts back at me. I nod looking around and tapping my foot in place to the music that is playing. As I look my eyes stop on a girl standing across the room talking to what seems like her friend. She's tall and slim with black hair falling down her back. her body shakes as she laughs at something her friend is saying and I can't help but smile even though I have no clue about what they're saying. She must've felt me staring because her laughter dies down and She looks at me with piercing grey eyes. I can't look away even though I try. she smiles and waves and I feel a blush form on my cheeks and a lump form in my throat.

"Hey Ni lets drink," Liam's shouts pulling me along with him to the bar and I was thankful. Who knows what I would've done if he hadn't. I probably would've gone talked to her and made a fool of myself. I'm not very good talking to girls much less pretty ones but hopefully I get somewhat buzzed to make it easier. Drunk Niall is always flirty and never seems to fail me when I need him.


Five shots later of whatever the bartender was giving, I was beginning to feel something. I wasn't drunk yet but I wasn't sober either. I guess I was at a happy medium.

Harry was tipsy and dancing with an even more tipsy Liam. he usually wasn't one for getting drunk but ever since his break up with Sophia early this year he hasn't been the same. When we go out he gets drunk and he tends to lash out about anything. I've been meaning to talk to him about it and I'm certain Harry has noticed too which is why they've been hanging out more together and I'm glad Harry is there helping him.

I watch them dance drunkenly and laugh cuz they look mad but turn around towards the bar when they get a bit too close to still be considered friendly. Honestly I'm not sure what's going on between them but I think I'm getting an idea. Not that it's any of my buisness but I'd support them no matter what.

"Hey," someone shouts next to me and I turn to face the grey eyes I saw when we arrived here. The girl looked beautiful from afar and even more gorgeous up close.

"Hey," I greet back feeling more confident than I did when we got here.

"I'm Emma," she shouts over the music smiling up at me, pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'm Niall," I say and drink another shot ordering another for me and one for Emma.

"I know," she replies looking at me with a grin and I offer her the drink. she takes it from my hand and we drink them at the same time.

"Let's dance!" She shouts excitedly and pulls me by the arm and onto the dance floor. She snakes her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her and begins to move to the beat of the music. I wrap my arms around her waist and match her tempo. we begin to grind on each other and in front of me I can see both Liam and Harry grinning at me like two proud parents. I flip them off and continue dancing with Emma.

Dancing right now feels different. usually I feel happy and exited but right now I don't feel it. Maybe it's because she's taking control or because I get the feeling she used to be a big fan of the band and is only dancing with me cause' I used to be famous. I'm feeling like I have to dance with her but not because I want to, if that makes any sense.

Emma looks at me and her eyes fall to my lips and I know what she wants and I let her do it. I feel nothing in the kiss but I don't stop her either.

"Wanna go outside," she asks pulling away and bitting her bottom lip trying to look seductive. I only nod not wanting to tell her no and let her lead me outside. As we walk away I can hear Harry and Liam cat call but I pay them no attention. We get outside and the cold punches me in the face but before I can react Emma's attacking my lips. She pushes me against the brick wall of the club pushing her warm body against mine. I put my hands on h r waist kissing her back but something just feels off.

I let her continue hoping I feel something but once I feel her hand on my crotch I pull her off me.

"What's wrong?" She asks breathlessly looking at my face for any signs as to why we stopped.

"Nothing, I'm just not feeling good. I think I'm gonna go home. sorry for wasting your time," I apologize and walk away from her not turning back when I hear her yell after me. she's drunk and angry. Not a good combo, especially not in a women.

I could've taken a cab but I needed time to think and clear my head, so I walked all the way home in the freezing January air crossing off a club from my places to meet the one.

A/N: so I admit this chapter was terrible and sort of a filler but I hoped u liked it.

I'm gonna plan on updating on Thursdays or try because I'm gonna be in a play in three weeks so I might be busy.

Any Who I hope you're liking this story or the idea of it because I'm excited for it!

See ya next week,

Stone (A Niall Horan BoyxBoy Fanfic)✔️Where stories live. Discover now