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Chapter 6: Third person

Everyday after Niall had seen Jasper again, he had made it his daily routine to go back to the coffee shop in hopes of seeing the boy once more. He would sit and wait for a long time staring at the door every time the bell chimed but none of the people entering were the right person. Niall wasn't sure why his body insisted on going back to the coffee shop, considering jasper was never there and everyday Niall was filled with disappointment.

And that was the funniest part.

Sipping his black coffee, Niall chuckled to himself thinking how foolish he must seem for being hung up on a boy as if he were back in grade school developing his first crush. what made him laugh more was that the person he sat and waited countless hours for was a boy. A beautiful boy with crazy, all over the place hair, with amazing blue eyes and a smile that deemed him innocent. And in a way, Niall was afraid of what he was feeling.

Niall was not at all a homophobe. He loved everything to do with gay people and admired them. He admired the way they didn't seem to care about what people thought and being brave and fighting for what they believed in. Niall likes gay people but he never considered himself to be one before. he wasn't closed-minded or ignorant, it was just how he was raised.

Growing up there weren't many gay people in his neighborhood. the lifestyle was around but Niall just never knew about it. back then it wasn't a thing to be proud of so Niall didn't really know what gay people were. Until one day his older brother explained it to him after watching a movie that featured a gay couple and he quickly understood what it was and didn't think much about it. being 14 years old he presumed it was a normal thing.

Now thirteen years later, sitting alone at a table drinking coffee, waiting for a boy to hopefully show up, Niall wondered if these actions were enough to call himself gay. sure he thought jasper was cute, and when he thought about him, his smile, or the way his cheeks turned Crimson when. He stuttered, his stomach did flips and he couldn't remember the last time he had these feelings. but were his feelings a crush or just loneliness disguising its self as love?

Looking down at his phone, he noticed his lunch break was and that he had to go back to work, but he wanted to stay longer and wait. wait to see if jasper would finally turn up and so he waited for another ten more minutes. the clock above the door ticked and the minutes passed. sighing with a frown on his face, Niall stood up throwing away his empty cup and went back to work more disappointed than previous days.

when he went back to work the guys bombarded him with questions about being late and where he would go off to for lunch everyday alone. they asked questions Niall didn't want to answer so he just shrugged them off going to his place behind the register and staring out the glass window, searching for a certain person but never finding them.

This has gone on for two more days and Niall wondered if Jasper even existed or if he was just a figment of Niall's lonely imagination. he began losing hope that he'd ever see him again and as sad as he was he hid it pretty well from the boys. they noticed the shift in his mood but didn't say anything and just made up for it by filling Niall with their company. even if it did result with Niall kicking them out for being annoying most of the time.

Once again filled with disappointment, he began walking out of the coffee shop he considered to be his least favorite despite their delicious drinks and foods. He got outside breathing in the early spring air saying he'll never come back to the coffee shop again.

Walking away with his head down and hands stuffed in his pockets, Niall thought to himself but he stopped abruptly when a sweet voice called out his name. the voice was familiar and filled Niall with a warm fuzzy feeling.

Turning around, Niall didn't hide the smile that appeared on his face nor did he want to. When he fully faced jasper, he wanted to do more than smile. And the thought heated his cheeks. Standing a few feet away, stood the boy that haunted Niall's mind and filled his mind with confusion. Both boys smiling like idiots, they walked towards each other and Niall took the time to take in Jaspers features. His rosy pink lips, his pale skin, and his long thick lashes that framed his dazzling blue eyes that were complemented by his white shirt.

Unaware of how close they were to each other they continued to walk until they were chest to chest. instinctively Niall's hands gripped Jaspers thin waist keeping his balance stable on the ground.

Blushing like mad, Jasper stuttered out apologies while still in Niall's gentle hold. When he stopped his apologies he looked up to see Niall staring at him with a fond smile, biting his bottom lip to hide a chuckle. jasper blushed even more, hiding his face with his hands as he let out an embarrassed laugh. Niall joined along staring at Jasper in amazement still finding it hard to believe that Jasper was here and real. and in Niall's arms.

Realizing that, Niall quickly let go and now it was his turn to be a stuttering mess.

"Sorry," they both said at the same time and Niall wondered if your face could break from smiling so much.

"I've been thinking about you," Niall blurted with out thinking, covering his mouth when the words left. Jasper chuckled, looking at the ground feeling his cheeks heat up and if they were being honest, Niall was all he could think about as well. but it wasn't something he was going to confess even if the older man already had.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable I just- you're interesting- and I just haven't seen you around and I was staring to think something bad happened to you, and I just-"

"Niall, it's okay. you didn't make me uncomfortable it's just I'm not used to people worrying about me or thinking about me," Jasper confessed looking into Niall's eyes.

"That's hard to believe." Jaspers blushed looking back down at his shoes and Niall wondered how one boy could be so adorable. Niall had spent almost a week waiting to see the boy and talk to him and now he did and he wasn't going to waists another week repeating the process.

"Do you want to get some lunch?" Niall offered, looking at Jasper with hopeful eyes. As much as Jaspers wanted to say yes, he couldn't just trust some guy he'd only just spoken to twice. but the longer he stared at Niall, the more he pushed the danger signals in his mind back.

"I'd love to," he answered grinning hoping that Niall was as sweet and caring as he seemed and wouldn't hurt him just like everyone else had.


AN: early update! I didn't go to school today and I had written most of this during my online class at school. I hope you liked it and maybe I'll update again today or on Thursday!


P.S: I can't get enough of Lucky Blue Smith a.k.a Jasper. He's just so cute.

Stone (A Niall Horan BoyxBoy Fanfic)✔️Where stories live. Discover now