Nightmares & Making Friends

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[A/N: sorry for the long wait guys. I've just been busy with things and I've had writers block but I'm in the groove of things now. I hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry for any mistakes]

Chapter 18: Jaspers POV

When I woke up, the first thing I saw was a pale chest with few light brown hairs scattered on it. I tensed in confusion but soon after the events form the previous night came flooding in. How I couldn't sleep and snuck into Niall's room. How he caught me and confessed his feelings towards me when he thought I was asleep. How he wrapped me in his arms, holding me all through the night. I blush thinking about it all and bury my face in his chest, his sweet yet manly scent wafting in my nose. I know, I'm a creep. He stirs and I watch as he scrunches his eyebrows together and frowns. He must not be having a good dream.

Slowly and carefully, I bring my hand from under the pillow and bring it up to Niall's cheek. I rub the warm skin near his mouth with my thumb and watch as his face relaxes and his mouth parts. I smile bringing my hand from his face and back under the pillow. I close my eyes and will myself to back to sleep to try to enjoy this moment just a bit longer. I still wasn't sure if this was real or if I was actually sleeping but if it was a dream it was the best one I've had in a while.

He stirs once more and his arm around my waist tightens even more, if that was possible and he scoots his face closer to mine. I can feel his warm breath on my forehead and I don't even care about morning breath because it's not there. I sigh and close my eyes, enjoying his warmth at the position we're in, his rhythmic breathing lulling me back to sleep.


The second time I wake up its different. I'm lonely and cold. I'm covered in the fluffy banker but there's a warmth missing that not even a blanket could cure. I reach over to Niall's side of the bed but he's not there. The spot is just cold and empty, just like how I'm feeling now.

My mind suddenly jumps to conclusions and thinks of the worst.

"He left you," the voices say.

"He doesn't want you," they taunt.

"No one loves you," they laugh. I shake my head. It's not true. Niall wouldn't lie. He promised he'd never hurt me.

"People break promises," they sneer. "No," I say but the voices continue. They laugh and taunt and there's nothing I can do. "Stop," I beg but the don't listen. All I can do is cover my ears and close my eyes, much like the times I was locked in that dark room waiting for my punishment. The door opens and I automatically flinch and I can feel the scars on my back sting.

"Jasper?" Niall's sweet voice asks and with out a second thought I fling myself to him and just hold him. he holds me tight and doesn't question it which I'm thankful for. I feel at home in his arms and it's at this point where I've decided that I've completely fallen for him and there's no turning away from my feelings now. I just embrace it because it's the only thing keeping me sane and the voices away. Niall just makes everything better.

"Nightmare?" He asks me and I nod not wanting to tell him the pathetic truth. He gave me a sympathetic smile and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Well there's nothing to be afraid of anymore. I'm here," he said whispering the last part and I internally sigh. How could I ever doubt and man like Niall? He was sweet and caring and I swear he was an angel from above. Maybe even more perfect.

He pulls away and caresses my cheek. I smile and lean into his warm touch. He chuckles standing up from the bed and I managed to hide the whine in the back of my throat.

"Well my parents want to go to church before people start arriving so how bout I let you shower first and then get dressed?" I freeze at the mention of church and he must've noticed because a worried look crept onto his face.

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