seventeen - rumours

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"what the hell is this, dude?" finn asked as he stormed into the choir room.

"what?" macy asked as she and tina's conversation finished. as he read the patch of the muckraker, sam and quinn were confused, so macy looked at sam, "i thought you were over her?"

finn seemed to be wondering the same thing.

sam and quinn looked to their respective partners, now in plain, utter confusion.

as sam reached for macy's arm, she moved it away, eyes darting to the doorway.

"you don't seriously believe this, do you?" quinn asked finn.

finn looked between sam and quinn, "well, why shouldn't i? why wouldn't he do the same thing he did with macy that you and i did?" "because it's gossip, finn."

finn started for sam but was interrupted by santana.

"this is your fault." she yelled, holding the paper up at brittany, "you told everyone that i played for another team on your ridiculous melted cheese show."

"wait, are you mad?" brittany asked, staring down at santana, "you do play for another team, you were in the cheerios and now you're in new directions."

"and you couldn't have thought to say it in any other way?" santana asked.

"i'm gonna punch your face off, dude." finn said, angrily.

after mr schue broke off the blossoming fight, finn stormed out. "where are you going? we've got rehearsal!" the teacher yelled.

"not today." finn said as he turned the corner.

the group was now slightly in shambles as macy looked down, wondering why she was being let down.

"you genuinely believe the newspaper?" sam asked macy. damien was watching the two, "because it's all rumours, mace."

"what if it is true? once a cheater, always a cheater." "you helped me cheat, macy."

macy looked sam in the eyes, "and i soulfully regret it, sam, but i never cheated on someone. you just can't seem to admit you did. you never have and you never will."

sam walked off and macy watched him go, "i know there's nothing to say, someone has taken my place. when times go bad, when times go rough, won't you lay me down in the tall grass and let me do my stuff?"

she began to walk off and damien sighed, following her, "i know i got nothin' on you. i know there's nothing to do. when times go bad and you can't get enough, won't you lay me down in the tall grass and let me do my stuff?"

damien snuck up behind her and the two walked to glee. he sang the scat chorus and it was safe to say that sam was a little more than jealous. the junior took her hand but she pulled it away.

"one thing i think you should know, i ain't gonna miss you when you go." it was almost like macy was saying it to sam, which she was. "been down so long, i've been tossed around enough. oh, couldn't you just let me go down and do my stuff?"

mr schue nodded at the junior's voice.

"i know you're hoping to find someone who's going to give you piece of mind. when times go bad, when times go rough, won't you lay me down in the tall grass and let me do my stuff?"

along with the group, macy and damien sang the chorus to each other.

"i'm just second hand news, i'm just second hand news, yeah!"

"i'm just second hand news, i'm just second hand news, yeah!"

the two smiled as macy sang a final, "yeah~."

finn and quinn singing was definitely hitting harder than macy thought. the way they were angry at eachother, all thanks to that stupid newspaper.

macy watched quinn walk out and watched as sam followed her. finn and macy looked at eachother as rachel slumped in her seat.

macy sat in brittany's bedroom and the familiar jingle for fondue for two played.

"hi, i'm brittany. my guest was originally supposed to be santana but she texted about an hour ago and it just said i can't." macy frowned, "so, the show must go on."

the camera zoomed out to reveal macy. "today, i will be interviewing macy summers."

"i've been on here before." "no." brittany said as macy twisted some carrot in the fondue, "so, you and sam have broken up."

she choked, "what?" after coughing, macy wiped her mouth, "uh, no we haven't. sam and i are complicated."

"which is a weird way of saying you're bisexual and don't really like sam."

macy stared at brittany, how did she know that? "what?"

"yeah, santana told me in the fight we had yesterday. she said you really have a crush on me."

macy couldn't say anything as she stared at the camera like a goldfish. "look, i don't know why you choose to source your info from santana of all people but that's a lie." she angrily said to the camera. "and i don't have a-"

as brittany pulled away, she concluded the episode. macy couldn't believe what just happened.

everyone stared at macy in glee. brittany looked immensely guilty and sam was off. damien watched the two from the top stair.

"alright, guys." mr schue clapped, "who is up first today?"

"mr schuester?" rachel held her hand up, waving it slightly, "if it's alright with you, i'd like to do my own reinterpretation of my favourite fleetwood mac song."

macy looked up, eyes burning into her. rachel began the song.

macy stormed off halfway through the song and brittany almost followed her. she couldn't deal with everyone watching her. yet it was worse because everyone was watching her.

"i never thanked you." sam said, walking up to macy, "for everything."

macy didn't look at him, "i didn't do anything."

"you didn't buy my guitar back for me? you didn't give my mum and dad three months of motel rent so we could spend our money on non necessities? you didn't shop with finn for clothes for my sister, brother, parents and i?"

macy closed her locker. as she turned, she was met with a kiss from the blond boy.

"you caught me. i knew before anyone else how bad your personal life was. i wanted to wait until the right moment, even if it was at the wrong moment." she said, referring to what had happened this past week, "i love you and i am forever sorry for doubting you."

"so this means you aren't bi and you do like me?" he asked, jokingly referring to the fondue for two episode.

macy just laughed, "i am bi. i just really, really like you, sam."

finn speaks
macy and sam totally would have sung 'i don't wanna know' but i guess she can just relate to quinn and finn can sing it instead.

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