six - furt

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"finn has a question for you, kurt." macy said as she dragged him towards kurt.

"i've been reviewing the itinerary and i don't really get it. are you sure we should release three hundred live doves inside?"

macy coughed, concerned. she walked off and was immediately presented with an iced tea from the lima bean.

"puck?" macy asked, taking the drink and sipping on it, "it's my favourite flavour. how did you know i like raspberry tea?"

"i'm pretty good like that." he shrugged, "have i won you over, yet?" macy stood and looked up at puck, sipping.

"who knows." she shrugged, walking off. puck yelled to her and she turned around, "what?"

puck smiled, "i will win you over by the end of this week, you can bet on it." "okay, zac efron." she smirked, walking away.

macy sat in glee club as all the boys came in together. sam had a black eye and every other boy was talking about the fight.

puck sat next to macy as she finished her tea. she went to put it in the bin but puck beat her to it. "you know, putting rubbish in the bin for me isn't a one way ticket." "i know. it's a start."

mr schue walked in and everyone began to prepare for the wedding.

as puck volunteered for macy and him to sing the second verse, macy watched mr schue approve. the two practiced and macy was surprised at how good puck sounded.

macy zipped up her red dress with help from brittany. "you look really hot, macy." she deadpanned, "you and puck should totally make out, though."

macy turned to face brittany before fitting the flower in her hair, "what does that even mean?" "it means that you two would be the it couple and that would make me extremely attracted to you."

macy laughed, "you're with artie." "so?" she shrugged, walking off to the kid.

macy pulled at her red dress and puck walked over to her. "you look perfect." he sheepishly admitted. santana had run on with artie and brittany so they were the last two.

she looked up at him and took his arm, "so do you! you actually look quite handsome." puck blushed.

macy and puck would be going on for the second verse of marry you. maybe it was chance but puck jumped at the opportunity and macy was beginning to know that, maybe, it was a good idea.

puck tapped macy's thumb with hers, she reciprocated easily.

looking up at puck, macy smiled again. she kissed him in that moment and something in puck allowed him to kiss back.

"we go in in a few, come on!" macy smiled as tina and mike went on. they watched the couple and macy led puck out.

"oh." macy ran backwards as puck took her hands.

"i'll go get a ring." "let the choir birds sing like ooh." puck picked macy up and twirled her around.

quinn watched the two with a pang of jealousy.

"so whatcha wanna do-o-o?" macy and puck then began rehearsed choreo, "let's just run, girl!"

"if we wake up and we wanna break up, that's coo-o-ool! no i won't blame you-u-u!" macy twirled and puck dipped her with ease.

"it was fun, girl!"

they ran up and artie smiled at her before they all began to dance in the isle.

macy took sam's hand and they looked straight at each other, "if you're ready like i'm ready?"

everyone danced as macy spun with puck. the group of thirteen ran up and macy smiled to artie, "tell me right now, baby!" the wheelchair bound kid sang back the same thing and burt ran up to his place.

carole began to walk out and macy ran down, as instructed and danced her up to the stage.

sam and puck both watched her and she spun carole around, getting into the dance. giving her to burt, he hugged macy before the blonde stood behind brittany.

macy and puck danced along to mr schue's singing at their table and macy looked over to sam, who was whispering in quinn's ear.

she went back to look at puck, who held his arm around her shoulder. she leant into him and smiled.

as the boys got up to begin the next number, finn was trying to convince kurt to dance with him. macy ran up to the stage, microphone in hand, to sing the song

everyone watched kurt, eventually, walk up. everyone was dancing in unison and as puck danced with santana, she laughed as finn and kurt danced together.

puck walked up to macy, though and watched as she slid on the hand free mic. she continued to sing and the two smiled at each other.

"yeah!" she finished, kissing puck. finn and kurt hugged her and the two newly weds did aswell. the four were officially a family in that moment and macy clapped for them, finn looking back to mouth a 'thank you'.

as kurt walked in, macy looked to puck with a grin on her face. as he went on and thanked everyone, his next few words were something she didn't expect. "i'm transferring to dalton, effective immediately. my parents are using the money they saved up for their honeymoon to pay for the tuition."

"kurt, you can't leave." tina said. finn began to get annoyed and macy stood up, pushing him back to his seat before walking over to kurt.

"finn, can it. karofsky is a danger and i think that with kurt moving, it's better for him." the two shared a hug, "if you need anything, call me." she smiled and kurt thanked her.

finn speaks
ehehehe cause wedding!!
but ohnonono cause kurt transferred

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