Drug addict?

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Arabella's POV

I wake up in an unfamiliar surrounding. I looked and saw Alexa was cuddling me. She had her hands around my waist and cuddled me like a teddy.

I moved her hands away from me and she turned around to the other side. She's a very heavy sleeper so I wasn't too worried about her waking up.

I slowly got up and I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw I had a black t shirt on insted of my dress. It smelt like Alexas so I think it was hers.

I was only in a T-shirt and my thong. I checked for my bra and I had that on too. Hopefully it was Alexa who dressed me.

If it was anyone else that would be very weird. Oh shit. What if Alexa saw my bruises? Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I rolled up the T-shirt to look at my bruises, they weren't as visible but they where there. They where faint. But Alexa must of seen them.

Shit. I can't tell her, her fucking boyfriend harassed me. Fuck! I cannot even remember anything from last night. The last thing I remember is looking at a pile of coats.

Fuck. I felt horrible, hungover and hungry. Fuck I should've eaten something yesterday. All I had was a fuckin packet of crisps.

I went downstairs and saw there was a massive mess everywhere. I was looking around and I saw a little notepad on the table.

I was curious so I went and opened it. Most of the pages where just scribbles and really messy writing.  

I flipped over to one page and the title was "A certain romance" huh weird. I read it over and I couldn't believe my eyes. 

It looked like some sort of song or something. I flipped to the rest of the pages until the back. "Property of Alex Turner" oh my fuck he is such an old man.

Fuck it had Alex's song on hear. Shit... I grabbed my phone and then I stopped. Hold on I don't even have Alex's number.

Then I remembered when we swapped phones he must of called his own number. I looked through my calls.

I scrolled and scrolled until I found an unfamiliar number. I called it and it started to ring. After a couple of rings I was about to hang up until I heard an.

"Ello?" A confused voice said. It didn't sound like Alex.

"Erm hello is Alex there?" I ask awkwardly then I heard laughing from the other side of the phone.

"Oi Al it's yer girlfriend." I heard the vocie say, I heard a lot of laughs in the background which confused me.

"Shut up Jamieh. Whot?" I heard Alex say on the phone.

"Um you left your note pad at Alexas." I say awkwardly.

"Oh shit. Did you read any of it? I'll be at Alexa's soon just don't read whats in their." I heard a stressed out Alex say.

"What why?" I ask.

"Becose it's non of yer fookin business bitch" I heard him say and then he hung up. Rude cunt. Now I kind off don't want to give it back.

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