Marathon running - Wayne x sporty!reader

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Requested by: Bowslay
Setting: A marathon

You were amazing at sports and Wayne always admired you for that. You have been dating him for a few months already and he made sure to attend every one of your games.

Wayne may be a bit immature, but he always managed to put a smile on your face. Today, you were about to participate in a local marathon, and you felt both excited and nervous.

As you laced up your running shoes, Wayne entered the field wearing a hockey jersey instead of workout gear. He grinned at you mischievously.

"Ready to conquer the marathon, babe?" Wayne asks, striking a dramatic pose.

You chuckle and shake your head, "Wayne, you know this is a running race, not a hockey game, right?"

He shrugged. "Eh, details, details. I'm here to support my favorite athlete."

You rolled your eyes playfully. "Alright, but no checking or body checks during the race, okay?"

Wayne pouts, pretending to be disappointed. "But how will I make it interesting then?"

You gave him a playful shove, and he stumbled back dramatically. "Wayne, you're going to be my biggest cheerleader today. How about that?"

"Oh, you can count on me, Coach Y/N! I've been practicing my cheerleading moves."

As it was time to head to the starting line, Wayne proudly held up a homemade sign that said, "Go Y/N! You're the Coolest!" He waved it around proudly.

"Keep going, babe! You're doing amazing!" Wayne shouted, his voice filled with genuine excitement.

When you finally crossed the finish line, exhausted, Wayne scooped you up in a bear hug, twirling you around in celebration.

"You did it, Y/N! I knew you could!" He cheered, planting a kiss on your forehead.

You blushed, "Thank you, Wayne. Thank you for always being here to support me."

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