Wig - Duncan x reader

927 16 4

Setting: A little after TD

Sometimes, you just have to make sacrifices when you have to go to work. This definitely applies to your boyfriend, Duncan, who recently got a job as a motorcycle salesman. It was a temporary gig until he would be able to open his own tattoo studio.

Unfortunately for Duncan, this particular agency required a dress code and didn't allow dyed hair. However, Duncan didn't want to give up his beautiful green Mohawk, so he took measures in his own hands. He decided to wear a black wig to blend in.

One morning, you woke up early then went to the kitchen to make your coffee for the day before you went to work.

As Duncan got ready for work, he felt a little self-conscious about the wig. However, he knew that it was necessary to keep his job.

He stepped out of the bathroom, wearing the wig, and you couldn't contain your laughter. You found the sight of Duncan in the wig quite amusing. Duncan laughed along with you because he knew this was so ridiculous.

"You look absolutely ridiculous, Duncan," You said between giggles.

Duncan raised an eyebrow playfully and pretended to be offended. "Hey, watch it! I think I look rather dashing in this wig," he replied, striking a pose.

You laughed harder, your hand clutching your stomach. "Oh, you definitely know how to make me laugh. But seriously, why do you have to wear that wig? Can't you just rock your natural hair?"

Duncan sighed, sitting down next to you. "It's a stupid rule at the agency. They don't allow employees to have dyed hair. I'm not a fan of it either, but I need to keep this job for now."

"I understand. You gotta do what you gotta do. But I have to say, I love your real hair. It's so unique and matches your rebellious spirit."

Duncan nodded, adjusting his wig. "Thank you, Y/N."

"You still look ridiculous though." You stifled a laugh.

Duncan playfully rolled his eyes, "Watch it."

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