Connection beyond words - Lindsay x British!reader

109 4 16

Requested by: The-Real-Spider-Man
Setting: TDWT

Hi! I'm trying my best to catch up on updates. Thank you for understanding and being patient with me. Also, I had to look up some common phrases! I hope this doesn't offend anyone :) 

You had been trying to make friends with everyone since you were a new contestant during world tour, but it had been a challenge. Your words were difficult for some of the contestants to understand, especially Lindsay.

"Hi Y/N! I totally love your accent. It's like, so exotic!" Lindsay exclaimed, but you could tell that she was concentrating hard on picking up what you were actually saying.

You and Lindsay both sat in first class, trying to communicate deep into the conversation.

"Right, so I was telling Geoff that the challenge today was a bit of a sticky wicket, you know?" You said, your accent thickening with every word.

Lindsay tilted her head, her face scrunching adorably as she tried to comprehend your words. "A sticky what-now?" 

"Wicket. It's like... when things are a bit troublesome," You explained, using your hands to gesture in hopes of helping her understand. 

"Oh, like, when my nail polish gets all goopy and won't dry?" Lindsay replied, smiling widely. 

You chuckled softly, shaking your head. "Not quite, but you're getting there. It's more like a difficult situation."

Lindsay nodded and laughed along, though you could tell she was still a bit lost. "Okay, okay. So, like, when Tyler tries to do a flip and lands on his face? That's totally a... sticky cricket?"

You couldn't help but burst into laughter at Lindsay's attempt to repeat your phrase. "Yes, exactly, a sticky wicket."

The conversation continued, with you patiently explaining some of the common slang and Lindsay trying her best to follow along. Despite the communication mishaps, there was an undeniable chemistry between the two of you. 

Lindsay turned to you with a small smile. "Y/N, I may not always get what you're saying, but I think you're really cool. Like, I'm totally glad you're here."

You smiled, your heart fluttering. "Thanks, Lindsay. I reckon I'm quite chuffed to be here with you too."

Lindsay nodded, obviously still lost, causing the both of you to burst into laughter. 

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