Chapter 6: Unknown Time No: 38249336

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Unknown Time No: 38249336

As they slowly got closer to the door, the door knob rattled once and the two nations jumped. A drop of sweat slid down Japan's forehead and Prussia griped his sword tighter as it continued to rattle but more frantic and louder.

"Smart of ya to lock the door," the Prussian commented quietly and Japan only nodded. Who knows what would have happened if he left the door unlocked.

I don't want to know.

A good amount of suspenseful seconds past and the rattling came to a complete stop, but the nations remained silent and still. The only thing they could hear now was their hearts thumping like thunders.

Prussia gulped. "Is it...gone?"

Japan strained his ears to listen better, but he could not hear anything beyond the door. TheThing must have disappeared like it did in the library and the bathroom. "Probably."

"Right." Prussia swung his sword over his shoulder and turned to Japan. "That was a little scary but we'll have to regroup with West. Then we have to find Ita to get the hell out of here!"

"I'm not sure if that is an easy task," Japan said. "I already checked the front door and it was locked. The only thing that could open it is a key it seems."

Prussia's eyes bulged out and his mouth fell open. "Ya gotta be kidding me!" he whined. "Why the hell is the door locked from the inside in the first place? When we opened it, it was fine and dandy!"

Japan shook his head. "I do not know."

"Well, here's another thing added to the list: After finding Ita, search for the key to the front door!"

"That sounds good. But we also need to find a way to help a mochi out of a wall on the fourth floor."

"A mochi?" Japan nodded, not noticing Prussia's soften face, "Y-You mean those cute little fluffy fluff balls you have at your house?"

"That's right."

And Japan jumped back as Prussia yelled, "Fuck yes! We need to help that little guy out! What are we waiting for? Let's go go go!"

He pushed Japan towards the door and the Japanese man unlocked it. When he placed his hand on the knob though, he didn't realize quick enough to notice the icy feeling on the knob as he open the door...

And come face to face with the Thing.

"Hooollyy shiiiiit!" Prussia swore and fell on his butt. "I thought it was gone!"

Japan backed away as it came in, the room started to become cold and the lights gone dim. "Apparently not."

"The more I look at it, the more sick I feel! I can't show my awesomeness like this! Do something!"

Japan groaned and prepared to strike as he dropped his bag onto the floor (not before grabbing a few talismans). He again powered up his katana and glared daggers at the Thingbefore he ran up and let out multiple attacks onto it.

"Wow! I didn't know you could be that fast, Japan!" Prussia gasped in amazement.

"Yeah, I was surprised too," Japan admitted as the Thing staggered back.

"Well, I can't let you take away my awesome spotlight!" and Prussia roared as he ran up to the Thing, "Eat this, shithead!"and sliced acrossits chest. The Thing screeched and glared at the attacker, who was laughing arrogantly.

But it was wiped off his face as the Thinggrowled, "YoU...WOn't...ESc...aPe!" and lightning came out of its body and towards Prussia.

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