Radioactive chemicals.

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If you havent started reading Dark stains on a light colored shirt, you should! This is the same characters but in a different reality <3
Fikis age in this chapter: 12
Fikis pov:
Im running around the courtyard, trying to hit the basketball into the goal. i heard my mother call for me in a panic, i put my ball down and ran in. "Mama? Whats the matter?" I asked her, she cupped my face, crying. "Deary, we need to get to the vault..okay..? Lets go." My mom said, i started following her, when i heard a blast, i felt it knock me down, i could feel every inch of my body burning, i started screaming, as i could feel myself perishing, felt like it. I felt my vision blank out. Still screaming.
I could feel myself waking up. Myself sore. I lifted up, everything burned, everything destroyed, i shakily stood up, wheres mother...papa...are they gone? I stumbled around. Everything felt crisp. I walked around, my whole home and the mansions around destroyed. I walked, and walked. For what felt like years i walked, i felt myself fall down, too weak to carry on. I glanced up at the view before me, i could see small patches of dead grass, i wanted to crawl. But i couldnt bring myself to it. I closed my eyes, feeling myself fall to sleep. I woke up again, was i in a hospital..? I think i am, i looked around, doctors curiosity peaking as they asked me questions i couldnt answer, i saw a mirror to the side and looked in it, gasping in fear at my appearance. I held my hand over my face and stayed quiet, not answering anyones questions.
~~8 years later~
Sitting in a small rocky area that i call home, im picking at my nails, they looked like absolute shit. Sighing, i got up and opened my food basket, and grabbed out a bag of chips, i sat down and started to eat them, eating was enjoyable, even if i couldn't taste or smell anything. Kinda sucked, actually, i could hear someone walking, i got up and poked my head through the rocks covering my area, there was this short girl with black hair, she seemed quite irregular, in weird clothes, and black..things? Covering her, I pulled on the mask covering my eyes and i moved the rocks and grabbed the girl, pulling her inside. "Whore you?" I asked her, she never answered, i felt her reach up and pull the mask on my eyes down, she looked curious, she pulled it down and onto my neck, it really hurt when someone touched my skin, but she was gently rubbing her finger against my cheek. Even though it hurt, it felt nice.

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