Chapter 11- The One Stone Reawaken

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Not letting the two Emerites get away from his reach, the scientist Elmo decides to trap Nero and his group in a mirage domain until he retrieves the Emerites from Nero and Aoi. Inside the mirage domain, the group got separated and had to go on on their own to take down the Nhadow that was in Elmo's control to revert the domain's cast. 

Until the domain is reverted, Elmo has full control all over it as he is controlling the Mirage Nhadow. 
On Enya, Shiro and Shion's part, they all had to wander around mindlessly in a maze-like environment from one terrain to another. Either searching for the Mirage Nhadow or a way out of this maze, they all had been going at it for at least 15 minutes.

Enya: Oh my god, I'm getting sick of this already... WHERE IS THE WAY OUT?!?!
Shion: It's no use. Shiro said it herself that the only way to get out of this domain is by taking down the Mirage Nhadow.
Shiro: Correct.
Shiro: Tho I have to say, this one is rather more difficult than the previous ones I have fought.
Enya: Is that so.
Shiro: Yeah. I'm assuming that scientist had done some sort of modification on that Nhadow to make it stronger.
Shion: Wait a minute. Modifying the Nhadows? Is that even possible?
Shiro: I've seen a lot of these things. So yeah, it is indeed possible.
Shion: Well I can already imagine that being annoying.
Shiro: Yep...

Meanwhile on Nero, Aoi and Okami's part of the domain, the three had to fight countless Nhadow and Hex's that has appeared around them. They had been defending themselves for a while as more and more entities kept spawning in. As long as they're within the domain, the dark creatures will keep appearing.

Nero: Boy, this'll never end at this point.
Okami: That geezer must've been near to us if he can call out this many Nhadows. Let's just find him instead.

Aoi: Hope Nero is alright.

Nero: Yo!

Aoi: Not you Nero, my Nero.
Nero: :/

Okami sensed his surroundings and noticed another human shadow within his range followed by him immediately consuming himself in his own shadow and reappears by jumping out of the human shadow he detected earlier which turns out to be Elmo's. Elmo was hiding by camouflaging himself in the background to avoid being seen.

Okami: There you are!

Elmo: ?!
Elmo: Crap!

Nero: So that's where he was!
Aoi: I knew it didn't take long for him to find that scientist.

(Okami prepared his daggers to take down the Nhadow that Elmo is currently controlling and riding on.)

Okami: Be gone!

Okami did an aggressive pierce towards the Mirage Nhadow as the it mourns in pain. Okami looked back only to see that the Nhadow and Elmo along with it slowly started to disappear in a way where the Nhadow isn't dying.

Aoi: Huh?!
Nero: What the-?!
Okami: Wait, where did they go?!

(Elmo's voice can be heard behind them.)

Elmo: Look around.

Nero, Aoi and Okami followed the voice and noticed that Elmo and the Nhadow he's riding on have made multiple moving images of themselves with the real one among them.

Aoi: So many.
Okami: So this is what he's capable of when he can control anything within the domain.
Aoi: But by the looks of it, you can clearly see it consumes a lot of energy out of that poor Nhadow.

Aoi: Nero brother.
Nero: Hm?
Aoi: With these many Nhadows and Hex's along with that Mirage Nhadow, can you keep up?

Nero: Heh, you bet.

Elmo: ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!

Elmo's multiple images attacked Nero, Aoi and Okami at once but they didn't even feel any pain as it was only an image. The images were only to distract them from the real Mirage Nhadow to sneak an attack from all the chaos that is currently happening.

The real Mirage Nhadow was about to launch a violent attack towards them until Neshiro came out of nowhere and reflects the attack with her lance.

Nero: Shiro!
Aoi: Nero!

Shiro: Yo!
Nero: Whoa, that's a cool spear you got there.
Shiro: It's a lance.
Nero: Oh... That's a cool lance.
Shiro: Thanks!

Elmo: What?!?!
Elmo: I thought I had separated you guys?!

Shion: Well maybe next time you shouldn't be using too much of that Nhadow's energy.
Enya: Yeah! The path ahead of us disappeared almost immediately which led us here!

Elmo: Oh damn... ;-;
Elmo: Well no matter, I can still call out as many entities as possible without worrying about energy!

Elmo used the domains ability and called out as many Nhadow and Hex's possible. When Nero and the others fought to defend themselves, the entities will be called back anyways as nothing had happened as long as they're within this domain.

Okami: Ugh! This is going nowhere!
Shion: We need to attack the main enemy here to get out of this place!
Shiro: That's gotta be a bit of an issue when there's multiple fake images of them.

Elmo: Might as well hand over those Emerites at this point! JAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Aoi: Never!
Nero: ...

Nero: Well...
Nero: If you want it, come and get it.

Aoi: ?!
Shiro: ?!
Okami: ?!
Shion: ?!

Enya: Wait hold on, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!?!
Nero: Calm down you idiot, don't make it sound like that.
Enya: Huh?
Elmo: Huh?!

Nero pulls out his Emerite and started to absorb it's power as he slowly changes into his Emerite state.

(Nero screams loudly in the process of absorbing the Emerite's tremendous power.)

Nero (Emerite state): HAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Enya: Well, there's Emerite Nero again.

Okami: Whoa! What?!?!
Shiro: Brother...
Shion: Wait a minute. He was actually serious when he said he's an Emerite user?!
Enya: Why would lie about it?

Shiro stared at Nero's Emerite state for a while and remembered a serious situation concerning about Aoi whenever the Emerite's energy is released.  

Shiro: ...
Shiro: Wait a minute... Oh no!
Shiro: Aoi!!!!!!

(Shiro turns around to face Aoi as she was kneeling down trembling in fear the moment Nero transformed.)

Shiro: Oh no... Not again...


(Nero have completely transforms to his Emerite state.)

Nero (Emerite state): Hold on guys, I'll take care of the main dish here. Try not to die in the meantime.

Enya: Gotcha!
Shion: Got it.


Shiro: Okami! Aoi is switching again!
Okami: What?! That's not good!

(Aoi has went completely as she kneeled down.)


Elmo: Hahahah! Resorting to using the Emerite's power I see?
Nero (Emerite state): Don't get the wrong idea, I just wanted to get this shit over with!
Elmo: Then so be it~!

Nero and Elmo went all out in a fierce battle in mid-air while the others is defending themselves from the hordes of Nhadow and Hex's created by the domains power.

Aoi is in a completely vulnerable state all of a sudden the moment Nero used the Emerite. She struggled for a while with Shiro trying to comfort her.

When all of a sudden, her eyes turned red.

(Chapter 11 End)

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