Chapter 8- Strolling Around Alver

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Nero: Okami, when are you coming back? Amelia and Hide has been worried sick.
Okami: Sorry about that, I still have some stuff I need to do here.
Enya: For over a month?
Okami: I lost track of time apparently.
Enya: Hmm sure.
Nero: Atleast go back to meet them again and let them know your still alive.
Okami: You know what, I may do that actually.
Enya: Don't forget this time.


Nero: Are you guys still gonna hang out in this tavern?
Aoi: Yeah, why?
Nero: Why so long.. ._.
Nero: It's been like 30 minutes already.
Shiro: This tend to happen whenever Aoi is with us.
Aoi: Hey-!

Nero: In that case...

(Nero stood up from his sit.)

Shion: Hm? Where are you going?
Nero: I'm just gonna go for a walk around the village.
Shion: Oh, alright then.
Enya: Wait! I'll come too!

(Nero and Enya left the tavern)

Okami: That guy...
Shion: Who knows. Maybe he just couldn't sit still for this long.
Aoi: Heheh, I don't blame him. He's just not used to our usual routine whenever we come here.
Shion: Usual?!

(Neshiro had been mindlessly smiling towards Shion for a while.)

Shion: Shiro, you okay there? You're creeping me out.
Shiro: Oh! Sorry. It's just that it's been a while since we last saw each other.
Shion: Yeah, it does doesn't it.
Shion: ...
Shiro: ...
Shion: Look Shiro... I'm sorry that I saved Nero over you during the fire that time. I just thought you were already done for the moment those idiots stab you with that drug.
Shiro: Oh about that. Don't sweat about it, you made the right choice.
Shion: I mean, true. You are still alive and all-

Shiro: Well that is the first part, while second, I could now do this-
Shion: ... What in the world?!


Nero and Enya are currently strolling around Alver Village. There were so many new things that never existed in Limila City. For a village, this place is quite advanced.

Nero: Whoaa there's so many things to discover here. You don't see these kinds of stuff back in Limila City
Enya: Really?
Nero: Yeah.
Enya: I never noticed.

Somewhere in the distance, a performance has taken place as the performer uses some of Alver Village's technology. Nero and Enya joined the crowd to take a look and not too long later they were easily impressed.

Afterwards, the two decides to go window shopping from one store to another as they were quite amazed with the stuff that people were selling. As they kept going, they eventually ended up in a weapon store.

Enya: Yooo! This place seems unique!
Nero: Is this supposed to be a weapon store?
Enya: Hey look, this one is quite cool.
Nero: Umm, looks like an ordinary phone to me.
Enya: At first glance, it is indeed a phone. BUT! What if it's secretly a GUN!!!
Nero: Yooo wtf!
Nero: I don't see this being useful whatsoever tho.
Enya: Well I can.
Nero: No I mean like it's good for normal people, but is it useful when we already had Vurks?
Enya: Hmm.. True.

(Something caught Nero's eyes as he looked around the store.)

Nero: No way, is that what I think it is.
Enya: What?

(Nero pulled out one of the hoverboards out of the barrel.)

Nero: Is this an actual hoverboard, like in the movies?!

(The store assistant approached Nero and Enya.)

Store Assistant, Kenny: You have a good eye right there sir, those are one of our best sellers here.
Nero: Really?
Enya: If so, why haven't we ever see people flying around here.
Store Assistant, Kenny: Umm... Have you two ever looked up in this village?

(Nero, Enya and the store assistant went outside to take a look and noticed some people have been using the hoverboard to fly around.)

Nero: Huh ._.
Enya: Guess looking up was never our main option.
Store Assistant, Kenny: You two seem new to the village, and our store actually has a discount for newcomers here.
Store Assistant, Kenny: How does 6789 Regis sounds to you?
Nero: Sorry, we don't have the currency for this world apparently-

Store Assistant, Kenny: Don't worry, I gotchu!

(The store assistant pulled out some sort of a money converter gadget.)

Enya: What's that?
Store Assistant, Kenny: It's a gadget that converts different worlds currencies for us, pretty neat don't you think?
Nero: Seems like we're not the only customers who's not around here.
Store Assistant, Kenny: Of course, many travelers from other worlds visits this store before.

(Nero walked up to the Money Converter gadget.)

Nero: Alright let's see...
Nero: 6789 Regis to Ringz equals....

(Nero is quite shocked to how expensive the price is.)

Nero: Oh god.
Nero: Oh fu-
Enya: What's the matter?
Nero: The price is half of my bank account. ;-;
Store Assistant, Kenny: These things do be quite expensive since it's difficult to develop.

Nero: Oh my god, I can't believe I'm doing this.
Nero: (sigh) Right, I'll do it. Pick a colour Enya.

Enya: Way ahead of you!

(Enya grabbed a pink-coloured hoverboard.)

Nero: ._.
Nero: This'll be the last time I ask you to make decisions for me.
Enya: Whattttt it's quite cool tho!

(Item purchased.)

Store Assistant, Kenny: Thank you, please come again.
Nero: Actually before that, how do I use this thing?
Store Assistant, Kenny: Right, come to the back, I'll teach you.

(The three went to a different part of the store to get Nero set up with his new flying equipment. It took a lot of trial and error for Nero to get used to until he finally managed.)

Enya: Wooo way to go!
Store Assistant, Kenny: Very impressive sir, most people take quite a long time to get used to this.
Nero: Thanks, using this thing is pretty fun I gotta say.

Store Assistant, Kenny: With all said and done, I think you have already earn yourself the license to using a Hover. Congratulations.
Nero: Well that was easy.
Nero: Is that all? Can we leave now?
Store Assistant, Kenny: Indeed you can, please come again.

(Nero have earned himself a Hover license as Nero and Enya finally left store.)

Nero: I still can't believe I spent that much for this...
Enya: Hey look on the bright side, it could help you during battle.
Nero: Probably.
Enya: Say, where is your hover tho?
Nero: Oh, apparently I can disappear and reappear it just like our sword as well. It seems to have been coded for people who can do these stuff.
Enya: Wow, that is some advanced technology right there. And a bit too specific when only some people can do it...
Nero: Maybe it's just not everyone can do it y'know.
Enya: Hmm.. Probably.
Enya: Anyways, now you don't need me to carry you around on certain heights anymore!
Nero: Oh c'mon!

???: Excuse me little lady and gentlemen. May I ask something from you?
Enya: Hm? Oh wait you were also inside the store just now.
???: Correct, my radar was detecting I would find a certain stone in the store here somewhere but now it shows it's outside.
???: Do you two fellas recognize this stone by any chance?

(The mysterious man shows a picture on his phone to them.)

Nero: Hm?
Enya: Hm?
Nero: Wait- isn't that...
Enya: The Emerite.

(Chapter 8 End)

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