yes, I am...

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i shook my head and let out a little laugh. "we should go back to the others" i told him while standing up. "yeah" he stood up as well. he walked closely behind me, as we both re entered the room.

as soon as we entered the room, all the conversations stopped making it now pin drop silent. all eyes were on me giving me more pressure to talk about it.

before i could say anything, i felt rubens arm wrap around my waist. i shivered slightly at how cold his hands were, but quickly got used to it.

i looked up at him, and he was smiling down at me, reassuring me that everything would be okay.

i took a deep breath then spoke. "yes, i am pregnant.. i-" before i could finish my sentence, rebecca walked up to me, and pulled me in for a tight, comforting hug.

"i'm so happy for you! you'll no doubt be an amazing mother!" she squealed, squeezing me even tighter. she then pulled away holding both my hands.

"since it's your first time, let's go through this together. it's the least i can do after the mykonos drama." she smiled at me,still feeling extremely guilty about what happened in mykonos.

"thank you" i nodded at her, then pulled her in for another hug. i felt tiny fingers tapping my thigh trying their best to get my attention, so i pulled away from the hug a looked down to see ronnie.

he had a cute little pout on his face, and his eyes were slightly glossy, meaning he was about to cry. i picked him up and swayed him slightly.

"what's wrong ron ron?" i asked him sweetly as his lip quivered. "i-i sorry, i didn't want to make you cry" he voice shook as tears now flooded his big blue puppy dog eyes.

"aww ronnie, it wasn't your fault" i hugged him as he sobbed softly on my shoulder. "are you sure?" he sniffled hesitantly, pulling away to look in my eyes. "yes! now let me go talk to uncle jack, i don't think he's too happy about my big tummy" i chuckled making him chuckle as well.

i placed a soft kiss on his forehead then put him down. i watched him run over to phil who was sitting down on the couch on his phone.

i slowly made my way over to jack. he didn't notice me at first because i could tell he was in deep thought. i sat on the edge of his bed, then held his hand giving it a light squeeze so he would turn his attention to me.

"jack, i know you're angry, but-" i started. "nooo im not angry, at all. im just really shocked" he interrupted me as he slowly removed his hand from mine. "may i?" he asked as his hand made its way to my stomach, but stopped just before he could touch it.

i tried to contain my smile as i nodded at him. i watched as his eyes sparkled while he gently rubbed my belly. "i can't wait to meet her" he looked up at me with a huge grin in his face.

"how can you be so sure it's a girl?" i raised my eyebrows at him trying not to laugh. "i can always rely on my super uncle jack instincts" he smirked proudly as everyone in the room laughed at his cockiness.

for the rest of the night, we spent it all chatting and catching up. we already ate our dinner which we ordered from mcdonald's since the hospital food was literally shit.

as more time passed, i grew more tired. ronnie was on my lap cuddled up against me, fast asleep. my head was resting on ruben's shoulder, while he wrapped his arm around me and played with my hair while still talking to the others.

i yawned, and slowly dosed off. "amor wake up, let's go" i heard ruben whisper as he caressed my cheek.

"i'm too tired to drive, i'll just stay here." i mumbled, cuddling into him more for warmth. "i'll take you to my place love" he shook me gently so i could wake up fully.

"my car" i mumbled while rubbing my eyes so i could wake up. "we're coming back tomorrow anyway so you can leave it here" he wrapped an arm around my waist. "okay" i yawned as he stood up, making sure i was leaning on him.

"we're going now, good night and get well soon jack" ruben anounced as i put my arm around his waist for more support. i gave them a small wave then walked out with ruben.

i was now wide awake as we reached his car. he opened the passenger car door for me, then waited for me to get inside and make myself comfortable so he could close the door. he then hopped into the driver's seat and started driving.

"sooo..." he started while rhythmically tapping the steering wheel. "what was your reaction when you found out?" he asked still keeping his gaze on the road. "i couldn't believe it so i had to force myself to accept it" i shrugged.

he nodded at my reply. "what about you? what was your reaction?" i looked at him, taking in all his unique features. "i had to process it because it was so sudden, but when i accepted it i was happy because i've always wanted kids at this age." he started smiling.

"do you have any names in mind?" i asked him as his smile grew even wider. "i want them to have a portuguese name, so if it's a girl, kiana, but if it's a boy, milán. what do you think?" he glanced over at me briefly.

"i love those names, i think they're perfect!" i told him. "especially kiana" i squealed looking down at my stomach. i was glad ruben was over the roof to have a child and was willing to stick with me, even though we don't know each other much.

i couldn't get rid of the lingering feeling that if another one of his hoes gets pregnant, he would leave me. "amor, what's wrong?" ruben put his hand on my thigh, instantly snapping me out of my thoughts. "no, nothing" i shook my head. i lifted his hand off my thigh and placed it back on his lap because i hate when people look or touch my legs.

"amor something is clearly wrong you can tell me" he reassured me, putting his hand back on my thigh. "okay fine but remove your hand" i told him trying to peel his hand off, but he just held it tighter. "why?" he whined. "i don't like it." i crossed my arms.

"fine" he removed his hand and put it on the steering wheel while clenching his jaw. "now tell me what was bothering you" he demanded. "uhm if you find out one of your other hoes gets pregnant, what would you do and what would happen to us?" i asked hesitantly instantly regretting opening my mouth.

i watched as his expression softened. "i don't know.. but i really want be with you, only you" he reassured me. "i know im not the type of person to settle down, but im willing to try for you guys" he explained. i smiled at him then placed my hand on his thigh instead.

"are we almost there yet?" i asked him, turning back to the window. when i turned to face the window, my hand accidentally moved further up his thigh. "sorry" i muttered then placed it back at its original place. "no put it back" he breathed out. i put it back where he wanted it then turned around.

"we're almost there, just 8 more minutes"

the rest of the ride was quiet, i noticed how irregular his breathing became and how he kept shifting in his seat. i turned to ask him what was going on, but he just shook his head at me. i wasn't convinced but i let it go.

we finally arrived at his lavish home. he parked his car in the garage, and we both got out. i saw him fixing his trousers before walking towards the front door. i stood behind him as he unlocked the door. his house was really elegant, modern and huge. it was like going in a house of a royal.

we walked up to the steps, then he moved out of the way. "ladies first" he smirked. i shrugged then made my way up the stairs. i felt ruben slap my ass. "rubennn" i groaned and rushed up the rest of the stairs. "sorry i couldn't resist" he laughed before following me up.

"continue going" he nodded at the way. "ruben i don't know which one your room is" i rolled my eyes. "right" he laughed as he led the way to his room.

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