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"what the fuck was that?! He was being nothing but nice to you." i quickly got out of rubens grip to face him. ruben just ignored me and avoided my gaze, making me more irritated. we just stood like this for a few minutes, until realisation hit me. he was jealous. suddenly i felt a smile creep onto my face.

"are you jealous?" i asked him, trying not to laugh. i could tell this angered him, because he clenched his jaw. i will just tell you this, he looked super hot while angry especially when he clenches his jaw. he looked up at me, and saw me smirking, so he ignored me and continued walking to the car park.

"oh my god, youre jealous" i exclaimed, now laughing. i kept following him, but he still ignored me. "fine. im not coming to jack's anymore. bye." i said while slowly walking to my car, knowing he would crack soon and follow me.

i was just about to enter my car when... there he was. "wait athena, im sorry ok." he barely apologised as i could clearly see he was still very angry. i just started laughing at how cute he was acting. "what are you laughing at? i dont see anything funny.." he said softly. "youre cute" i said looking into his eyes. "just follow my car" he sighed then walked over to his car.

he started his car, then started driving and waited for me to follow him. i started my car, and we made our way to jack's house.

when we finally arrived, ruben was waiting for me at thee front door, so i parked my car carefully next to his, then made my way to the front door with ruben. he wasnt doing anything so i figured he was still mad. i decided i was going to ring the bell, but before my hand could hit it, ruben stopped me.

i looked up into his eyes with confusion, and i could see he was still angry from earlier. he gently grabbed my chin and leaned in to kiss me. the kiss was passioante and aggressive, i could tell he was applying all his anger into our kiss.

i could feel myself blush hard, as he carefully pushed me into the wall so he could kiss me better. as soon as my back hit the wall, i let out an unintentional moan. when his anger finally subsided, he pulled away, looked me in the eyes and whispered. "youre mine" in a low seductive tone. he know the effect he has on me, and he was using it to his advantage.

as if nothing happened, he rang the jack's doorbell, and waited for jack to oopen it for us. a few mins later, jack opened the door. "fancy seeing you two here" jack said with a smile on his face. he bro hugged ruben and side hugged me.

"what were you two doing together?" jack ask while raising a brow at me. "we had a shoot together so we decided to come to your house right after." ruben explained, as i was still too flustered to speak.

"oh alright" he said letting us in and going to the living room. "athena, you good? youre all red and havent spoken a word" jack asked looking at me. i looked up at him his face was filled with concern, whearas when i looked at ruben, who was just smirking at me. "yeah im good" i managed to mumble. "are you sure?" he asked, not believing me. i just nodded at him.

the boys started playing fifa, while i just watched nextflis on my phone. i managed to watch one film while they were playing until ruben nudged me. "do you want to play with us?" he asked be softly. "i dont know how to play fifa" i told him, looking back down at my phone. "ill teach you" he said with a slight smirk.

he gave me the controller, then put his hands on mine to control. jack looked over at us, and saw how close we were. "nah ruben off my sister" he said pulling us apart."jack he was just teaching me how to play fifa" i complained, but he just ignored me. i rolled my eyes, then resumed with watching my next movie.

midway through the movie, i decided to look at the time since i saw the sun had already set and it was dark outside. it was 18:09. the boys were still playing fifa, but now they were playing with phil using the mics. i sighed, since i was bored unintentionally catching their attention. "you ok?" jack asked me. "yeah im good. is it ok if i go to my room?" i asked him. "yeah sure" he said turning his focus back to the game.

i made my way upstairs to my room. it was exactly how i left it. i felt a bit tired, so i dedided to take a nap. my nap was peaceful, until i felt someone giving me kisses all over my face. "stop" i said covering my face. "wake up love, me and jack are watching a movie." he said gently shaking me. "watch it by yourselves" i groaned. the room was silent until i felt ruben pick me up, and thow me over his shoulder.

"ruben what are you doing? put me down now" i ordered still tired. "you left me no choice princess" he said with me still on his shoulders. i just gave up, a let him take me to the living room. when we finally arrived. he placed me down, in the middle of him and jack. i lied my head on jack, so i could fall back asleep, but he immidiately pushed my head off.

"cunt" i mumbled before lying my head on ruben's shoulder next. "nah nah nah, get off" he said putting my head back on his shoulder. i quickly lifted my head off his shoulder, and sat up straight. they started the movie, and only now did i realise they chose a horror movie.
luckily for me, the movie wasnt that scary.

suddenly i was feeling quite mischevious, so i put my left hand under the blanket, and palmed ruben through his shorts. i made sure to put my legs up so jack wouldnt see anything. i heard ruben let out a slight groan, but not loud enough for jack to hear it.

once i felt his dick harden,, i slipped my hands into his boxers. he let out a sharp breath. i started stroking him hard and fast, using his pre cum to lubricate it. he started letting out soft groans as i kept stroking him. i felt him twitch so i stroked him slower as i felt his cum spewing out. he let out a slightly louder groan, catching jack's attention. i also looked at him, not wanting jack to be suspicious of us.

"what? that scene was scary you can't lie" ruben said as an excuse. me and jack just laughed at him and turned out focus back to the tv.

i made sure to catch all of his cum in my hand so he wouldnt have it all over his underwear. "im going to the bathroom" i said holding the cum in my hand and rusing to the bathroom to wash it off. when i came back, i saw that they removed the movie.

"since its late, you guys can stay over. you know where your rooms are." jack said once he saw that i was back. "okay goodnight jack" I said heading upstairs to my room. Soon enough, I realised I didn't have any pyjamas there, so I knocked at jacks bedroom.

"Come in" he shouted from inside. I went in and headed straight for his closet for and oversized shirt and shorts to wear. "Woah, what are you doing?" Jack says immediately standing up and following me. "I don't have pyjamas jack. I'm borrowing some of your clothes" I said rummaging through his closet for a white shirt.

"You're so annoying" he groaned, then went back to his bed. "you know you love me" i said to him as I found the perfect clothes to wear. "Goodnight jack" i said to him before leaving his bedroom.

I changed into his clothes, then removed my makeup then headed straight to bed.

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