heres the fucking proof

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i stood there in the kitchen by myself in shock at my own brothers words. why wouldn't he just believe me, and why would he say that about his own best friend.

i was in a mood so i decided to just call it a day after all. i went into my bedroom, turned off the lights and got in my bed. i put something on youtube on the tv to help me fall asleep better and so i wouldn't think much about jacks words.

after a while i was finally able to fall asleep.

i was deep in my sleep, when i felt someone kissing me all over my face, i opened my eyes to see... obviously ruben. "why are you sleeping with a frown on your face love" he said the second i opened my eyes. "ruben what are you doing here" i asked him while rubbing my eyes. "i came to check on you princess, you never came back to the pool" he said playing with my hair. "my bad, i was in a bad mood so i didn't come back." i yawned sitting up against the headboard like ruben.

"i know what can cheer you up" ruben says smirking. "no i'm not in the mood" i replied not even looking at him. "you sure love?" he said pulling me onto his lap. "ruben." i said softly, but it came out as a whisper. "oh shit. are you ok? we can talk you know" he said holding my chin forcing me to looking into his captivating eyes. "no it's ok" i gave him a weak smile.

ruben kept his hand on my chin, but now he was analysing my whole face. i looked into his eyes to see if he would react because his face was stone cold. his eyes then met with mine again before he started smiling. "you should never put makeup on ever again" he said before planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"why?" i asked also smiling, his smile was so contagious! "it hides your freckles princess." he replies brushing his finger over my cheeks. "i don't want to loose you ruben" i mumbled before burying myself in his chest. i was becoming incredibly soft around him and i didn't like it, but i was enjoying every single second of it.

after an hour we both fell asleep in each others embrace.

• • •

6 days passed, jack was still ignoring but now he would purposely leave when i would enter the room or even look at him. becky and the others started being really cold to me, but i had no idea why and what i did to them. i had no one else to go to except to ruben, everyone else would give me dirty looks and shit. i was surprised because becky and sasha started hanging out a lot more when they were complete opposites.

i stopped coming out my room as much, not even to eat or drink because they would never call me and i had lost my apetite. no one would check up on me, or even just come in my room to see if i'm okay. ruben only came in my room when he wanted sex otherwise he didn't really seem to care.

me and ruben just kept having sex, it was actually insane. our minimum is 2 times a day, the more we did it the more i thought about jacks words.

• • •

🗓️9 july 2023

it was the evening and me and ruben have just finished another fucking session and we were both out of breath so we were lying down facing the ceiling, trying to steady our breathing, but i just couldn't stop thinking about jacks words.

"what's wrong? you seem distracted" ruben said with his arm around my shoulder as he caressed my cheek. "nothing" i mumbled then continued to zone out. "come on you can trust me" he gently grabbed my chin and made me face him so i could look into his eyes. "something is clearly troubling you princess" he said before kissing my nose then waiting for my response.

"ruben, what are we?" i whispered not making eye contact with him. "what?" he said nervously like he has been avoiding this question for so long. "what are we?" i said louder now looking into his eyes. "um hook ups?" he said really hesitantly, and i could not believe him.

"what..." i said backing away from him. "so you mean all of this time you saw me as a fuck buddy?" i said with disbelief evident in my voice. "i- uhm.." he stuttered while rubbing his neck. "what about the kisses we shared, the times you called me princess, or love what about our cuddles? all of that meant nothing to you??" i said now completely off the bed. "it did i just-" he mumbled.

"you know what, fuck you. jack was right about you" i said softly as i stormed out of his room making sure to slam the door on my way out. i could hear ruben calling for me but i just ignored him. i decided to go downstairs to jack to tell him he was right since i already am in a bad mood.

i was heading to the living room, when i say jack giving his card to sasha for her to go shopping. as soon as she left the house i went over to jack.

"jack you have to fucking believe me she's just using you for your money, you are just to blind to see it. you were right about ruben but i wouldn't lie to you about sasha jack, trust me" i pleaded to him.

"why are you back again. i know my sasha, she would never do that to me. i wish i never got back in contact with you honestly" he sighed. "jack no you've got to listen to me, she doesn't love you" i yelled. "WHY ARE YOU STILL ON THIS, YOU CANT JUST DECIDE TO RUIN MY RELATIONSHIP BECAUSE NO ONE HAS EVER LOVED YOU AND NO ONE EVER WILL" he shouted at the top of his lungs. he looked so scary at that moment. his eyes were sharp, his face was red and his voice could be heard through the whole house.

"jack, you don't mean that..." i started shaking, slowly backing away from him as i looked around. at the corner of my eye, i saw everyone standing at the stairs listening to our conversation. "YES I FUCKING MEAN IT" he shouted getting closer to me. "jack i don't know why you can't just believe. erling, kalvin you must believe me" i panicked as erling and kalvin just rubbed the back of their necks.

"kyle, john??" i pleaded but they just did the same as erling and kalvin. "phil, come on?" i said sounding desperate now, but phil just scoffed at me. "at least becky believes me.. right?" i said softly as tears welled up in my eyes. i expected her to back me up but she just gave me a dirty look and shook her head in disbelief. "are you fucking joking me. and i'm the fool for actually trusting you guys" i mumbled before running upstairs to get my phone to show then the evidence.

"here's the fucking proof" i sniffled playing the audio twice for them to hear it clearly as i watched all their faces drop. "fuck you all.." i sobbed as i started walking towards the door. "athena.." i heard jack say softly as he grabbed my hand. "no jack. don't even come looking for me" i pulled out of his grip and ran out the door.

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