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"aight, i'll see you," adrian told me before he walked to the other side of the building. i didn't dwell on our interaction much cause was i gonna see him again? probably not.

i mean he wasn't a bad person but i'm quiet and i think he'd forget me after today. i'm not memorable in the slightest.

and he was just probably riding the bus cause he didn't have a ride cause i have never seen him on the bus in my four years being at this shit school.

he was cool though, but i don't think i'll ever hit him up unless he talks to me.
i feel like he'll be like marcus, the fine ass dreadhead i talked to for like a year until he randomly ghosted me. and i have classes with him too and he doesn't even glance at me.

it was weird in the beginning but i don't care now. i dont even wanna make friends like that. i'm good with sergio, he's pretty much all i need for now.

sierra leone by my husband frank played

i loved this song so much and i was actually sad i didn't listen to it a lot cause it reminds me of good days .

and i know it sounds cringey but it reminds me of middle school, which was like the best time of my life so far.

everything was good during it.

today was a success block day, a day where we'd go to a class we were "struggling" in and stay there learning for about an hour.

i liked it sometimes. one it's cause where i could doze off without thinking about what would probably happen after, and two cause the teacher is pretty chill.

he doesn't bother us and gives us easy work. i almost cried first time i went into his class beginning of the year because it was so easy.

margaret by lana del ray played in my air as i set my head down on my hand. we were watching this lame ass video about tectonic plates, something we should've learned in sixth grade but i guess some people didn't.

the door opened and all the light came in, blinding me a little bit. i turned my head, clenching my eyes hardly because all the lights were turned off and i had gotten used to the darkness.

"um janae michele needs to come to the counselors office," a girly voice said quietly and waited by the door.

i didn't take my bookbag because it's either i look crazy with it on, or not and i can just get it back.

i went out the door and followed the girl, who didn't look back once. we reached our a-m counselor, ms karla. she wanted us to use her first name so we could be more closer to her.

whole time, going to her was the last resort. she didn't seem to be reliable and for me, each time i saw someone go into her office they came out crying.

she just wasn't someone you went to if you needed help.

so now i'm wondering who went to her.

"hey janae," ms karla said when she saw me walk in. the other girl sat down in her chair and i sat down in the empty one.
"this is mallory."

i glanced at her. she was very pretty.

she had brownish hair that went past her boobs. she had perfect posture and her torso was kinda long, so i knew she was tall. her hair must be long

she had greenish brown almond eyes with mascara on her long eyelashes. she had
bushy eyebrows that were a neat kinda bushy.

she had a button nose with extra blush on it, not that it looked bad. she had very faint freckles and wide lips in a burgundy typa gloss. she had tannish pale skin.

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