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basketball practice just finished and the team was crowding the fuck out the locker room

i think it's dumb to have some many sweaty boys in one room together but whatever.

i was changing in the stalls cause i don't want nobody looking at me.

i don't care how pussy that is, but ion fuck with nobody there so why get naked in front of them.

leaving the stall, i put on deodorant and walked back to the locker room, dapping a few boys up.

"yo khalil. i heard you taking janae to hoco," some dude shouted from behind me.

i didn't like thinking of what happened. it made me feel so fucking jealous of how he got to hug her , touch her, kiss her .

and he dealt with her so roughly, she's so precious and he put his dirty ass hands on her.

"hell yeah. spent weeks tryna make her comfortable with me," he shouted back.

i clenched my teeth but kept stuffing my clothes in my gym bag. i sprayed some cologne before walking away.

"i'm tryna hit after hoco. she pressure and her body. that ass.. already made that hotel reservations." he grinned like a dumb ass

"what'd you say?" i asked, turning around.

i was beyond pissed. he just disrespected her and sexualized her in front of his friends, making her out to be a fucking fool.

and why the fuck is he looking there? why does he only look at her like that?

"i said im tryna hit. why, you mad you couldn't before me? now you got my slopppy seconds?"

i walked to his face so we were nose to nose. i didn't want to fight cause i could be kicked off the team and that's would be horrible on my record.

the years before i got into a couple fights but it was done with that. i didnt care about my future, but i do now.

and i need the scouts to look at me. but they can't do that when i'm at home

but at the same time, we openly disrespected janae in front of the whole team. and me like what typa best friend would i be letting this shit slide?

"fuck is your problem?" i seethed out.

"calm down. it's not like you haven't thought about her the same way i do. you just looking to hit like me."

i punched his cheek, and his head whipped to the other side. i saw his jaw clench before he tried to swing on me, which i avoided easily and pushed him to the wall.

nobody was helping him or trying to get him off me. they were shouting something and i could see flashes around me.

i grabbed the collar of his shirt and was repeatedly punching him. some of my hits connected some didn't, and i could feel my knuckles getting bruised up.

i cocked my hand back again and punched him again, causing swelling already.

weak ass bitch.

he cocked his hand back and i didn't pay too much mind but he aimed for my eye this time. i could already feel a black eye coming around. my left eye was swollen shut and a searing pain on my temple was causing my vision to blur.

i bitch slapped him and then punched him sloppily, which surprisingly landed. he doubled over and punched my cheek again.

i made to punch him again but coach bursted in and grabbed me off of him. he dragged me in his office and pushed me into a chair.

"what's your problem? why the hell is my star player beating on khalil?" coach shouted at me.

"because he disrespected someone close to me."

coach sighed, massaging his temple with his fingers on his right hand. i get headaches there, i'm getting one know.

looks like i can't take a punch no more.

"sergio. i understand that, however i can't let you go unscathed. there has to be some disciplinary action because you beat khalils ass. we're looking at two weeks of oss, one and a half if your lucky. and sergio." he said as i got up to leave. "find a better reason."

i clenched my jaw but walked out calm enough. ain't no way he told me find a better reason like what the fuck? and now i gotta tell mama why i'm missing two weeks of school. bit first go to that fatty andersons office.

mama wasn't too mad. she understood i didn't play about people close to me. she was still mad though, but i wasn't in too much trouble.

but since i was home all day these days, she moved my curfew from 1am to 11:30. i mean, i do have a lot of freedom so i didn't mind much.

i played fortnite until i was starting to wonder when was janae gonna call me. like, she should've known now.

and she'd have to call me, or at least text me but i didn't get one notification from her. and that shit was pissing me off

five minutes later she calls me on regular call, not facetime.

"why'd yall fight?" she asked

"he started talkin shit bout you," i started, already getting mad again. "like talkin bout how all he was tryna do was hit and i didn't like that."

"so you fought him? i swear i wouldn't have minded if you just walked away. i mean like basketball is important to you and getting suspended won't help you with your scholarship."

"so you wouldn't care if i just walked away when he was talking all that shit about you?" i asked, pissed off.

"i would, but it wasn't worth getting suspended over. for what two week?" she countered.

"yes two weeks. and yeah basketballs important but letting someone brag about how all they want to do is have sex with you around me. i just can't do that shit. he's literally sexualizing you."

"it's not like i won't ever experience it again."

"why are your standards of people so low i don't understand. no good person should be looking at your that way. judging you based on your body."

she fell silent and i was hoping i got to her. i don't care if i'm suspended because i fought her case, but she's pissing me off because she doesn't think she's worth it.

"still, it wasn't needed."

"i fought him, i get to have the say in this because the consequences are all on me." i said, raising my voice through the phone.

"say in what? you're acting like your future is not on the line!" she shouted into the phone.

i took a deep breath. nothing was getting through to her so i had to chose my words carefully so we are still talking to each other tomorrow.

this would be our first full blown argument, even though i don't think it's that serious.

"you were being disrespected, and i hated that. i did something about it, and you can't make me feel bad about that."

"well you should."

she ended the phone call. i clenched my jaw before turning around and throwing my phone across the room. i knew i'd regret it later but damn this shot made me mad.

i repeated it to her multiple times, trying to get her to realize she was worth me fighting. but she just wouldn't see

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