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august 30

doomsday by mf doom played in the back as i shooted basketballs on basketballs in the hoop. it was tryouts later today and i was determined to get in once again.

we still had practice the months before but today is like the official day i guess. and coach doesn't play so i'll have to do my best.

i liked basketball better than other sports. i was tall, 6'5" exactly. i could dunk which was a good thing going for me.

coach constantly tells me i'm good enough to go d1 and i don't know if i want to yet. i'm not gonna lie, i don't know anything i want to do when i'm older. nothing at all

i mean yeah i want a family. 2 boys and 1 girl. i want a big house, i want to be rich, i want to buy my mom a house, i want to give to the needy.

but i don't know what to do that i enjoy except basketball to get that.

and who knows even if i go d1? what if a scout doesn't think i'm good enough for them?

i rolled my eyes before shooting a three, which i made of course.

i asked janae to come. she used to be on the girls team in sophomore year and junior year and track. i saw her in the pictures. who knows she could play that good at her height?

i don't know if she will come though. i hope she will, i want a cheerleader.

i wonder if janae would ever cheer. or do majorette. i'll ask.

"you see that fine ass edgar with the neck tattoos?" i heard some girls whisper not so quietly making me turn my head.

one wiggled her fingers at me which i blanky ignored. i heard her groan and i smiled.

i continued to practice my jumpshot and my layups, things i sturggled on. defense was on point though.

im talking like janae. i dont know how i should feel about this...

i heard the door open and saw janae walk in, rubbing her face tiredly. her back was hunched over a bit and she looked pretty beat.

she still looked cute though.

okay so janae is a pretty girl. every area she's perfect in. personality is great, body is amazing, she always smells good.

yes i think that, but i have no romantic feelings toward her. i understand she's a fine ass girl, but she's like my friend like best friend in the short time we've known each other.

she heaven sent to be honest. thank you Lord.

she wore true religion dark wash jeans, a black shirt that was cut a bit in the boob area and a bit cropped. she claims her parents are strict and they are so i don't know how she got that but whatever. she still looked cute in it.

she wore an oversized black commes de garçon jacket and black forces. she has good shoe game and good sense of style.

i couldn't say that for many other people in this school so..

"hey sergio," she greeted just as i was about take a shot. she waved and i saw her up close.

she didn't have her lip combo on but her lips weren't chapped so i guess it was vaseline or chapstick. her eyes held large bags which i always tell her to sleep more and she claims she does but she's always tired.

the eye bags doesn't make her unappealing it actually suits her face. but it still is a sign she doesn't sleep as much as she needs to.

"you made it." i grinned and she smiled softly back. she nodded her head before looking around . it wasn't many people here since tryouts weren't until 6 and other people either came here to watch people play or play themselves.

"yeah. my dad didn't mind. as long as you take me home."

"yeah um.. i have to go to tryouts that starts at 6 ends at 8. sorry mami but i think you'll have to wait a lil bit."

"and this is why i need a car." she threw her hands up exasperated before walking away and taking her phone out her pocket. she tapped her foot impatiently as her phone rang.

her mouthed moved quickly so she was obviously on the phone. i went back to playing. i started practicing dribbling and after i do that i'll run around until it's time.

she came back with a small smile on her face. "you can stay that long?"

"yup. they finally leaving me alone gio. oh my dad said i'll be getting a car."


her people's were not gonna lie pretty stingy. they strict as hell and maybe that's just how it is but like damn. it's so weird to me when she talks about how they just do too much.

"play me," i told janae. she looked skeptical before shaking her head no.

"what about running? i can race you." i raised my eyebrow but still put my basketball back. i did not think she'd beat me but let's go.

"aight." we walked outside where the kids in track were finishing practice. tryouts wont open again yet until the sixteenth.

i don't know if i'd do it though. i did it freshman then quit and did basketball. i liked basketball better but i guess track could be like a workout for me if the days and time don't clash.

"i'll give you a head start." i told her.

"aight. three."


"one. go." she took off and she ran fast. she stayed in her lane and did all the curves and turns pretty good.

by the time i tan she was almost half way through the track. but of course i was way faster. i'm taller which means my legs are longer and my strides will obviously be longer which makes me faster than her.

i ran and she was close but i was closer. i hawked her down and made it to the finish line just a few seconds before she did and i wasn't out of breath either.

"bra," she gasped. she wheezed and coughed so horribly and held herself on her knees hunched over. "i was so close."

"you were," i admitted. "but i'm just faster mama."

she looked as if she wanted to say something but paused. "you know what it's sunday and i won't be disrespecting God today. you're lucky."

ooooo she's God fearing. that's something i really look for in friends and she's right there. thank you Lordddd.

"bra. i could've won," she whined. i smiled knowing that she could've but she's just petite. i guess she's fast enough for her size.

"you couldn't have," i argued making her look up.

"bra don't start with me."

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