Headcanon ~ 4

730 14 0

Bad Habits

I personally think that, if given the chance to get close with him, you'd start to notice little things about him that would make you raise a brow.

Of the (surprisingly) many, the first of his habits you notice was that he would constantly crack his knuckles.

And I don't mean a casual 'pop' here and there from his fingers.

This man has made it his personal mission in his off duty life to release the pressure in every joint in his body.

Knuckles? Check. Wrists? Check. Secondary knuckles? He puts pressure on the join until it snaps loudly. Neck? Both sides pop multiple times. Hips? Back? Tailbone? Knees, ankles and toes? Dude sounds like a whole ass rice krispy treat.

For christ's sake he even dislocates his thumbs from cracking the joints there.

One time you'd walked in on this daily occurrence, you'd learned he was even able to pop the cartilage of his nose from having it broken in the past and never got it treated.

One you didn't learn about until later on, was his absolute need for full body cleanliness.

You'd known he was a very cleanly person, but was it really necessary to stick the q-tip that far down your ears? To pluck that many hairs from your nose?

Despite not being able to see his own ears without a mirror, he felt he should personally, and without any aid of another person or even a mirror, remove any and all wax from his ears.

Usually this resulted in him grumbling about how he couldn't hear out of his left ear for a week from pushing the wax too far in instead of removing it.

In a modern au setting, the man would constantly leave ceiling fans and the ac on. It's below freezing outside? Too bad, the ac is set to 60°F - 15.56°C. Oh, and your bedroom fan is on.

"I run hot. Not my fault."

In cannon-verse, I can also see him having a habit of opening bedroom and office doors without asking permission first.

Dude has walked in on many strange sights, yet he hasn't learned to knock.

Fun fact about me; I wrote this after my own habits.

Tempted to follow this up with a pt.2 ???

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