Chapter 20 - Andrea

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Amelia's Point of View 


I was so tired, I collapsed on the basketball court. Michonne walked over to where I was and look down at me

"Who knew rehab could be so tiring?" I huffed. Michonne smirked and offered me her hand. I took it in mine and let her pull me up to my feet.

"We done?" She asked. I nodded, still breathing heavily. "Let's go inside then."

When we walked inside, Glenn and Allison walked up to us.

"Hey Amelia." Glenn said. "Have you seen Daryl? Merle came back without him."

"Wait, what?!" I yelled. "He came back without him?! Oh, when I get my hands on that asshole-" I said pulling my sleeve up showing the muscles on my arm.

"Hey calm down." Allison said. "Maybe he know where Daryl ran off to."

"Alright." I groaned. "See ya later Michonne."

Glenn, Allison, and I walked over to where Merle was leaning against the prison wall.

"So?" I asked Merle. He turned and looked at me.

"So, what?" He asked.

I huffed. "Daryl you idiot. Where do think he would go?"

"Bitch, I will-" Merle started.

"You won't do shit." I growled. "Now answer the question."

"Ugh... Got one idea." He said as he walked to a table and sat in a chair. "Not positive he's there though."

"Well?" Glenn asked. "Spit it out."

He sighed. "Our Dads place."

"Why would he go there?" Allison asked.

"You think I know this mismatch girl?!" Merle said, raising his voice.

"Shut up!" I yelled. "Damn. We'll never find him if you don't cooperate. Where is your dads place?"

"I dunno. Maybe 5 miles East from here?" It was more of a question than a statement.

"We can check tomorrow." Glenn said. We couldn't just leave him out there for the night? I opened my mouth to argue, but Glenn held out his hand to stop me. "Amelia it looks about 6 now. We will look for him tomorrow. I promise." I nodded my head in defeat.

"What are you doing here?" I heard Rick say to someone at the other side of the cell block. I exchanged glances between Glenn, Allison, and Merle and we all walked over to where Ricks voice was coming from.

"You all live here?" She asked.

"In this cell block." Glenn spoke up.

"Can I go in?" The blonde woman asked, walking towards the gate.

"I won't allow that." Rick said, crossing her path.

"Rick, I'm not the enemy. She said.

"We had that field and courtyard until your boyfriend decided to shoot us up." Rick spat.

"He said you fired first..." The blonde said uncertainly.

"Well, he's lying to you Andrea." He replied.

"I didn't even know you were in Woodbury until after the shoot out." Andrea said.

"That was weeks ago." I said absentmindedly. Everyone stared at me. Well, don't I feel awkward. I don't even know this woman, I'm just standing up for my group.

"I came as soon as I could." She said, frowning at me. "I cannot excuse or explain what Phillip has done." Wait, what? His name is Phillip? That's the most Lily-livered name ever! I couldn't help having a smile on my face. Andrea's eyes darted to my prosthetic arm. "What's so funny, One Arm?"

"Excuse me?" I said. "What the hell did you just call me?"

"One Arm." Andrea spat. "Maybe if you weren't deaf, you would've heard what I said." That was the last straw. I lunged at her and tackled her to the ground. "Amelia!" I heard Maggie, Beth, Carol, and Allison scream. I started punching her anywhere I could. Andrea managed to get herself on top of me and her fist connected with my cheekbone. I kicked her off of me and punched her in the face.

I felt someone's arms grab my waist and pull me away from Andrea. Obviously Rick. I saw Glenn grab Andrea and yank her away too. I kept thrashing, trying to get away from Rick. Andrea did the same with Glenn. "Let go of me!" I yelled.

"Amelia calm down!" Rick yelled back. I stopped thrashing and slid down to the floor, Ricks arms still holding me just in case I decided to fight again. I put a hand on my cheekbone, which was already bruising. Andrea stopped thrashing and shrugged Glenn off of her.  

"I just came to work things out." Andrea growled.

"There's nothing to work out." Rick said. "We're going to kill him. Don't know how or when, but we will." Woah. What has gotten into him? He used to be a guy who always wanted to reason with someone. Never kill.

Andrea looked a taken back as well. "We can settle this. There is room at Woodbury for all of you."

"What makes you think this man wants to negotiate?" Hershel asked. "Did he say that?"

"No." Andrea said.

"Then why did you come here?" Rick asked.

"Because he's gearing up for war." She spat back. "They people see you as killers! They're training to attack!"

"If he wants a war, he's got one." Glenn said.

"You want to make this right?" Rick growled, taking his arms off of my shoulders. "Then get us inside." 

"No." She said shaking her head. "There are innocent people!"

"Then we've got nothing to talk about." He said storming out of the cell block.


I've so far been able to resist the urge to beat the shit out of Andrea.

"Can't leave without meeting Lil' Ass Kicker." She smiled at Carol, who was holding Judith. "Can I hold her?"

"Sure." Carol smiled. They exchanged the baby into Andrea's arms. "Meet Judith."

"So, what happened to Lori?" She asked Carol.

"C - Section." Carol stated.

"Oh my god." Andrea said, shocked. "And Shane?"

"Rick killed him." She replied.

"WHAT?!" I yelled to Carol. "RICK DID WHAT?!"

"He- he didn't tell you?" Carol stuttered. I jumped up to my feet and stormed to the cell block door.

"Wait Amelia!" Carol yelled after me. "It's not what-"

I didn't hear the rest of her sentence because I was already out of the prison.

Rick was in so much trouble.  


Authors Note:

Hey guys!

Thank you for reading my story. I really appreciate it.


~ Courtney :)

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