Chapter 17 - Regrets

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Rick grabbed me by my waist and practically threw me on the ground.


"What's going on?" I asked worriedly.


"Woodbury." Rick said, more to himself than to me. He pulled out his gun and started shooting at a Mexican man.


I pulled out my pistol and started shooting at the Governor. Remember how I said I wasn't a gun person? I wasn't very great at shooting one either. I have shitty aim with a gun.

Bang. Miss.

Bang. Miss.

Damn I suck.

Bang. Miss.

The Mexican shot at Rick and nearly blew his head off. I shot back at the Mexican. I missed, but I forced him back into the underbrush. That would buy us some time.

I looked back at the prison. I saw Carl shooting at someone in the guard tower, Maggie and Beth shooting at the Governor, and Hershel handing Carol a gun.

"Rick what do we do?" I asked.

"We fight." He said.


The Mexican shot at me. If I still had my arm , I could've possibly been killed. Thank The Lord for his shitty shot.

Rick and I fired back, missing each time.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

All of a sudden everything went silent. I looked at all of the people from Woodbury. They weren't moving. Just standing and staring. Staring at what?

Then I heard it.

The sound of some kind of vehicle coming towards the prison. The Governor had an evil grin on his face.

Something bad was about to happen.

A van came speeding around the corner. It crashed through the gates of the prison and stopped in the middle of the field.

What was it doing?

It was just sitting there. I squinted my eyes to see further. I saw a person moving inside of the van.

What is going on? What are they planning? Are more soldiers going to come out of the van?

The back end of the van flew open. It felt like the world was moving in slow motion. Walkers stumbled out of the van. At least 50 of them.

"Shit." I heard Rick mumble.

Just as they had came. The people from Woodbury ran back to they're vehicles and drove off.

"GET BACK HERE!" I screamed, shooting at their cars. "YOU COWARDS!"

"AMELIA! STOP!" Rick yelled, hitting my gun out of my hand. "You'll just attract more walkers!"

I pulled at my hair angrily.

"If I see him..." I mumbled. "I'm gonna kill him!"

Rick put a hand on my shoulder. He felt the same way about the Governor. I think everyone did.

I saw Glenn's gray truck, come into the prison. He dodged all the walkers. Beth and Maggie opened our only gate left. Our last line of defense.

I glanced at Rick. He looked back.

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