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"Was hurting me not enough for you?"
Jude stomped into the residents room,leaving Mira in panic.

Her fellow residents were also shocked to find their beloved senior Jude, blast out at his ex-girlfriend.

They didn't know why, but the fact that they were done was not a secret to the folks.

"How dare you,Mira.HOW DARE YOU"

His rage was enough to make others get the cue.They left, while Mira was left speechless.

This was the first time she saw Jude getting angry like this. In their 5 year long relationship, they had fought over silly things countless times but he was always the one to apologise and make up. He always made sure that peace prevailed but seeing him go completely mad at her, made Mira scared for her life.

Viviaan followed him and found him in anger.

"Jude, she said it was an accident"
He tried to calm him down.

"Why the hell were you following my sister?"

"TO TALK TO YOU" Mira yelled back.



That came from someone they didn't expect. Viviaan realised he should talk to them in a voice that they will listen.

"Are you both not older than me? Do I really have to teach you manners,now?"

Viviaan asked and Jude felt a little embarrassed to have exposed his worst face to his sister's brother-in-law

"Jewel said it was an accident. Trust her. We were not there to make a judgement."
He said firmly, enough to make Jude bring some calmness.

"And, you" He turned to Mira and said

"I am Viviaan. I am Jewel's brother-in-law" He introduced himself.

"I know." Mira replied while being a bit cautious about this young man, who was now commanding both of them.

"I don't know what went wrong and how did it go wrong, but you both have to TALK"
He made sense and it was only right to agree.


"Spit it out"

Mira was a bit annoyed that Jude chose to talk to her at the rooftop.
"Why not? There is no one to disturb your acting here. Say whatever you want to. Also, I don't want to be seen in public with you anymore."

"Don't mind me" Viviaan yelled from a distance.

He had no confidence to leave them on their own. What if one pushes the other down?

"Wow! I guess I really have become undesirable now?"

"Oh! Cut that crap"

Jude turned to walk off and she continued.


He paused at that and gave her words another chance.

"Yes. It was my fault, it was my selfishness and I am a coward too"

She had tears in her eyes.

"I didn't aknowledge it till that night I met Saisha but I always kind of knew. I didn't want that. I am sorry that I ended up hiding it from you. I thought I could hide it forever. I am sorry that I hurt you,Jude. I never wanted this to happen"

"Before being lovers, were we not friends Mira? I had asked you. To lie to me and to cheat on me, that was your choice. Now you will get no redemption from me."

Jewel and JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now