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"What is it Jewel? What do you want to tell me now? I barely have time"

Mira checked her watch as soon as she took her seat in front of Jewel.
Its been a long time since they met at their favourite hang out spot or what used to be their hang out spot.

Jewel had contacted her a week after that argument with Tisha.

"We need to have a conversation"
That was what she said and Mira was curious, anxious and cautious.

Mira was scared that Jewel will find out that she was scared of her and what all she knows about her.

It all began a month before Jewel and Jackson met. That damned night at the club.

Since that day, Mira could not look at Jewel without being cautious.

"Does she know? Will she tell him? But she didn't see....She might not know!"

These thoughts haunted her everytime she met Jewel.

For Mira, Jewel became a zombie and she tried to get rid of it everytime she saw it.

"Nice to see you too after a long time, Mira"

"Oh,come on...drop this good friend act please. What do you want from me, after all this time?"

"What would you like to have? I am going for a tea today. And you?"

"You think I am here to hang out with you, Jewel?"

She sighed and ordered a caramel macchiato for Mira.

"Its your favourite, isn't it?"

Mira sat there in disbelief.

"Fine....I am leaving. I should have never come here in the first place"

"How did this happen, Mira"
Jewel faintly asked before Mira stood up.

"What? What happened?"
Mira was trying to read her words.

"How come we end up like this? You were my best friend! I know. Ever since that night out, you have been acting wierd around me. I believed you might have your own reasons and believed you will tell me if I had to know anything.  I didn't know that you have started to hate me enough to make lies about me."

"Oh,please.... I messed up your marriage? Are you also blaming me like Jude? No...your truth did that"
Her voice shaked while she replied.

"I never said you messed up my marriage.Its on me and Jackson. But,Mira....."

Jewel looked up ,grabbed Mira's hand with hers and asked

"Why do you hate me so much? When did this hatred began? Did you always dislike me? I trusted you with my most intimate secrets....."

"I never asked you to trust me. I did nothing wrong. "
Mira replied.

Mira hid her hand under the table so that Jewel won't find it trembling so fast.

" Is there really any problem, Mira?"

" As if!"
Mira wished if she could have said that out loud.

Jewel patiently asked again.
"Is it all okay with Jude?"

"Why do you care,Jewel? Thats my personal matter!"

"Well....that is my personal matter too.He is my brother."

"Since when? You were always so jealous of him because he was better and smarter than you. He cared about you deeply and you didn't even acknowledge it and now you want to be a good sister?  I see, now that in a week Jackson is gonna get rid of you, you might want another man to lean on....I get it!"

Jewel and JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now