The Doom

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"Sir, have you received the news?"

Jackson was half asleep when his secratory Maria came rushing into him.

Things weren't working for him at home. Jewel and Lizzy had some kind of cold war going on. Jewel expressed it twice but to go against Lizzy and ruin her health.... Jackson could never! He never spoke up for himself, why would he do that for another person!

Ever since he got married, Lizzy has been spending extra effort to make Jackson extra comfortable. His lunch boxes got upgraded!It was as if she was showing Jewel that she will never match up to her mother-in-law!

Jewel wasn't trying either!

Now, he had no clue what Maria was implying at.

"What's it?"

"Sir, our entire code for The fit game has been stolen.Our rival company is lunching it in two weeks, sir!"
Panic was written all over Maria's voice.

The fit-game was Jackson and his team's hard work for a whole year. He worked on that even the day he got married.Just like the name suggests its a fitness game.

This app had in-built excercise routines and habit-builders with proffessional assistance. Food diary to calorie burned account, this was all incorporated into a simple game of treasure hunt. You have to complete a new set of excercise to go from one treasure spot to the other. Idea was supposed to combine the fun of gaming and the benefit of excercise together.

But now their entire code has been stolen! Their rival company just changed the name to The gym-game and thats the only change they had.

Jackson's hardwork and vision was crumbling right in front of his eyes.

But how?Who?Why?????

Jackson had to get to the roots.

"Sir, our investors are pulling out.Many are even saying they will sue us."

"Not, if we launch it first."Jackson was pissed off and when he is so, the taurean in him comes out.

As stubborn as a mad bull. Untamable!!!

Of course! The entire coding team and marketing team will have to run on their literal toes to make it happen.

But it would all be useless if the traitor ain't caught. He or she could leak everything to the rivals and they might launch even faster or what if they steal the new idea and code too!!!

The only person he could trust was himself.

The brilliant coder had two jobs-
1) Make his code perfect and protect it
2)Find the culprit.

It was definetly an insider's job. Otherwise how would have them gotten access to the code!

Jackson took it on himself and worked like a robot for two weeks. He had given out strict do not disturb sign to his secratory.

During day time he worked on the app and at night he monitored CCTV footage upto past three months find out the traitor.

As a company policy, they submit their company laptops at work place.  He analysed each of the employees laptop but got nothing.

It was the craziest thing he did.

Rohan, his engineering buddy since college days, Rita the head of the coding team, Rafel the cybersecurity team guy and many of his employees offered to help but Jackson trusted only himself. He kept it all to himself. Outside the employees believed that Jackson was just heartbroken but he was actually doing all the work , in silence.

The CCTV and all the enquiries he did didn't give him any results. Just who would have done that??

That was when he turned to a private detective as he was short on time.
If he had to save his app, the traitor had to be caught as early as possible.

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