The Exam Fever

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Jackson called for Jewel after dropping her in front of the hospital.

She turned back to his voice.

"You will be fine,Jewel. You have worked hard"

He cheered her good luck.

It was exam season for Jewel. Once she clear this exam with hopefully good scores, she can relax a bit for her finals.

Does it feel wierd to be an almost 30yr old woman, still studying,giving exams like its college or school?

Welcome to the life of a medico!

A good chunk of your youth gets washed away till you get that doctor degree.
Then to be a specialist, it will take another few years.

Just like that youth will be gone.

When their friends would have been making good money and settling down, you will still find a medico studying and revising and chasing for a degree.

Is it worth it?

Depends! There are people who love it. There are people who regret it. Their only regret is that they worked too hard for a life they don't enjoy.
Now there is no way out, unless you decide to go for a non-clinical post graduation. Thats what Jewel ended up doing because there was nowhere she could feel like she was skilled.

She worked hard but she didn't have quick and artistic hands like her father or brother neither was she extremely good at studies.

With her rank, its actually a pretty great deal that she could atleast secure a seat in MD pathology that too a merit seat.

But compared to the over achievers of her family, she didn't shine that much.

Now, she had a big exam coming up. She had prepared it all and is going to do her best.

Ever since Jackson opened upto his mother, Lizzy stopped harrassing or bothering Jewel in anyway.
She didn't want her son leave her for another woman.

When she learned that Jewel was to give a really big exam, she was a nicer person towards her.

"Thanks Jackson"
She thanked him for the good words.

She needed luck by her side more than anything because she had the history of messing up.


Her exam week went by. Jewel was not a whiner when it came to exams.

She kept things positive in her head.

By the way, another month had went by. 3 more months and they will be a divorced couple.

But now,it was a bit different vibe.

They were friends!

They ended up communicating more, learning more about each other and understanding each other a bit more.

"When will your results be out?"
Jackson was excited for her.

"Probably by today evening" She replied,pretending to keep her calm.

"Cool.What gift would you like to have when it will be out?"
He asked.

"What? Why would you buy me anything? Besides, its an exam for securing enough internal marks for my university exam. I won't be given that MD"

"Still... You have worked hard. I wanna do something."

Jewel couldn't understand this man.

He was shy and nervous, trying to mask his excitement, visibly looking adorable.

Jewel and JacksonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora