The Refusal

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It was a calm evening in the season of autumn when she had walked away from her in laws.

As sweat started dripping down her forehead, Jewel realised, summer is here again. Iris flowers had bloomed all over Iris Vallis.Its been almost 6 months since her life changed completely.

As she left her husband's home and went back to her parent's, they promptly took her in. They did not blame her. Her mother hugged and tucked her in.

Few days later, she found her mother on a phone call

"Miss.Lizzy, I understand how you feel. Jewel never meant any harm on purpose. I hope you could forgive my child."

She couldn't believe her mother was begging the woman who slapped her with no remorse and for what?
To forgive Jewel? Don't they still understand Jewel? What she is going through? She had lost her baby too!

Her husband or in-laws didn't even bother to check if she was fine or not.
Her body had been through a lot and yet it didn't matter to them.
That woman has the nerve to hang up the phone on Rebecca?

In the next few days, she could see her mother getting cold sweats out of stress.

Their daughter who was married to the most eligible bachelor of the town, was back to square one. People had started gossiping about Jewel.
Just like how she never excelled at anything she did, she has failed at her marriage too.
A total shame on the family,according to society.

Lizzy left no stone unturned to make sure, in the gossips, Jewel was the villain.

People even speculated that Jewel hid about the baby because it wasn't Jackson's.

She lost her only hope and now she is rumored to be an adulturous woman too?

One day, Albert took Jewel for a walk in the park. Summer air was always different at Iris Vallis.
As they sat down under a big oak tree for shade, he said

"Jewel, its been 6 months! You have been here for that long,child. Don't get me wrong, Jewel, but you were at fault too." He couldn't meet his eyes with her.
"Arguments and fights happen in relationships all the time. That doesn't mean you should give up on marriage as well. Someone has to be the bigger person to keep the ship sailing"

Jewel could guess what he was upto. They wanted her gone.
Albert continued
"I called Jackson's mother.
She said if you apologise, then you can go back to them. She wants you to stay home for a while as well and take care of Jackson. You are now a married woman Jewel, I hope you know what I am trying to say. Solo won't work anymore."

Jewel knew it well. Its not like she left that house due to an argument or for a once in a blue moon incident. She was humiliated and unfairly accused. They wanted her surrender her pride because he didn't want people talk even more.

People.... Society....And more people...
Seems like Albert cared more about them than how Jewel felt.

All her life,Jewel never found any courage to talk back to her father. Growing up, he was her role model and icon of success. A validation from Albert meant the world to her. Too bad, that never happened.

She didn't say anything today either.

On their way back home Jewel said

"Hmm?" Albert replied as they took slow steps.

"Remember? how we all judged Margret aunty for not divorcing or let go off George Uncle, even when they treated her like trash? You thought she was shameless and its stupid of her. Remember?"

Margaret and George where distant relatives of her family. George never loved Margaret as he was forced into that marriage by his parents. He rebelled against his parents by rejecting Margaret till death.
Her story of unrequited acceptance and disrespect was a well known one.

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