The mother-in-law

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"When you came to my home,as my son's wife, I should have welcomed you as a new family member,rather than judging  you in every way possible."

Lizzy cleared her throat and continued

"I know its too late. I know that I have hurt you and my son. If you will, please forgive me,Jewel"

Jewel couldn't believe that tables could turn this way,this fast.

A mother-in-law apologising to her daughter-in-law?

She couldn't do anything but stare at Lizzy.

"Had Jackson never pointed it out, I would have never realised . I was too harsh on you. I was just intrested in making my son's life easier and that made me have unrealistic expectations from you.  I am sorry,that our house couldn't be a home to you.I am ashamed of the man I married too."

Lizzy sighed and took a sip of water.

"I am sorry, too."

Jewel spoke up.

She continued.

"I am sorry that I wasn't good enough to you either,Mom. I should have understood more and not done many things that I did."

Lizzy grabbed her hand and smiled.

The women were warming up.

Too bad, they had hardly 3 months left.

Lizzy asked

"Jewel? Can I ask you a personal question? Whatever you say, I won't judge you in anyway"

Jewel nodded.

"Have you... Have you ever loved my son?"

She didn't look at Lizzy's eyes afterwards.

" I just want to know if I was the only reason to break this marriage apart. If I move out, will you reconsider this divorce?"

Afterall,Lizzy was just a mother who wanted to see her son happy.

Jewel smiled and replied

"Mom, whether its here or in my own family, I was the misfit. Its not your fault. This marriage was not just meant to be. The burden of its failure is solely on me and Jackson. You shouldn't think of it as your fault.
I just want to find somewhere I belong. That is not here."

Her reassurance did nothing to ease the guilt on Lizzy's mind.

Though not intentional, both Jackson and Viviaan ended up listening that part of their conversation.

Viviaan looked at his brother whose face went down with it.

He dragged Jackson outside and asked

"You okay? Brother?"

Jackson nodded and said

"Don't know what I was expecting her to say"
Jackson smiled.

"To be honest, I pray that this divorce won't happen"

Viviaan said.
Jackson looked at him.

"It was hard for me as well,brother. College and all."

"What? Why? And why wouldn't you tell me that earlier?"

" Well, partly it was because of you"

"Me? What did I do?"

Viviaan smiled at Jackson's surprised face and said

" Nothing. You were just too good at whatever you did and as a rule of thumb everyone thought I might be the same as well. Only Jewel could see right through my frustruation."

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